Welcome to WorkinAUS documentation

Comprehensive documentation to help you get started with WorkinAUS project.


Video enabled company job board

Incorporate embedded videos onto your site banner. This enables you to showcase your company culture, brand values, industry, or that great office location and sell this to job seekers.


Embedded video within job advertisements

Job ad videos not only attract potential candidates but also provide a more comprehensive insight into the job environment. You don’t need a huge production budget, film your own and give it that personal touch.


User generated video complete with teleprompter assistant

Record your own video directly on platform, and stay on topic with the amazing teleprompter assistant which allows you to plan and script your videos. Simply read from the prompter while recording your video.


Amplification of job advertisements

WorkinAUS enhances the visibility of your job ads, maximizing their reach and impact to connect employers with a broader pool of qualified candidates both domestically and internationally.


Labour market testing assistance tool

Create and publish job advertisements in compliance with the specific requirements of labor market testing. Through checking the LMT box, this will ensure you cannot post the job unless it meets the requirements.


Labour market testing reporting

Download copies of your job advertisement after the mandatory 28-day period, containing the relevant information needed as part of the Australian Federal Government’s LMT process.