  • 07 May 2024
  • 8 Minutes to read
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Article summary


This article provides in-depth knowledge of the Applicants module of the WorkinAUS platform. Here you will find all those individuals who have applied for a particular job ad advertised by you. These individuals submit their resume, qualification and experience in response to a job advertisement. These individuals may possess various skills, experiences and backgrounds relevant to the job they are applying for. You will review applicant’s credentials and qualifications to determine their suitability for the job and ultimately select candidates for interviews or further evaluation.

All those applicants who have applied to any of your advertised job ads are displayed here in a grid format along with various details. Let’s discuss this grid in detail:


The applicants grid presents following details and features for each applicant:

  • Applicant Name

    This column displays multiple information about an applicant:

    • Profile Image

      If the applicant has uploaded a profile image on their job seekers profile via the WorkinAUS platform, it will be shown here. Alternatively, if the job seeker has added a profile video to their job seeker’s profile, that video will be visible here, and clicking on it will play the video. In case neither a profile image nor a profile video is available, a default applicant image will be displayed.

    • Applicant Name

      The applicant's name or email initials are shown here. If the job seeker has not updated or entered their name in their profile, their email initials will be displayed instead.

  • Jobs Applied

    This column provides an aggregate count of job applications submitted by an individual applicant across all job ads advertised by your organization. It serves as a summary of the total number of applications made by the applicant, indicating their level of engagement with your job postings. This information can be valuable for assessing the applicant's level of interest in your organization and the extent of their job search activity.

  • Location

    This column presents the geographic location currently designated by the applicant within their WorkinAUS job seeker profile. It serves to indicate where the applicant is currently located or where they prefer to work. This information can be significant for employers in determining the proximity of the applicant to potential job opportunities, assessing relocation requirements, or ensuring alignment with specific geographic preferences for certain roles. Additionally, it offers insights into the applicant's mobility and availability for positions in different locations.

  • Work Rights

    This column showcases the work rights status defined in the applicant's profile, indicating their authorization to work. This information is established either before applying for a job ad or is furnished within their WorkinAUS job seeker profile. It typically encompasses details regarding the applicant's eligibility to work in Australia, such as visas, permits, or other legal authorizations necessary for employment.

  • Passport Country

    This column presents the passport country information provided by the applicant either during the application process or as defined within their WorkinAUS job seeker profile. It serves to indicate the country of passport issuance for the applicant, offering insights into their citizenship or nationality. This information can be pertinent for employers in assessing the applicant's international background, visa status, and potential eligibility for certain job positions or work arrangements that may require specific citizenship or residency criteria.

  • Current Location

    This column presents the geographic location currently designated by the applicant within their WorkinAUS job seeker profile. It serves to indicate where the applicant is currently located. This information can be significant for employers in determining the proximity of the applicant to potential job opportunities, assessing relocation requirements, or ensuring alignment with specific geographic preferences for certain roles. Additionally, it offers insights into the applicant's mobility and availability for positions in different locations.

  • Profile Status

    This column showcases the profile completion status of the job ad applicant on the WorkinAUS platform. The color scheme indicates progress: red signifies completion of 0~5% of the profile, orange indicates 30~50% completion, blue reflects 51~70% completion, and green signifies 90~100% profile completion.

  • Chat

    Clicking the chat icon activates a chat interface, allowing you to initiate a conversation with the applicant. This feature facilitates direct communication between you and the applicant, enabling you to discuss job-related matters, clarify queries, schedule interviews, or provide updates on the application status. It offers a convenient and efficient way for both parties to interact in real-time, fostering effective communication and engagement throughout the hiring process.

Applicants Profile and Professional Information

Clicking on the applications count triggers the opening of an applicant's profile popup, which presents various details about the applicant. This popup is divided into two sections, The first section showcases the basic information of the applicant. This typically includes fundamental details such as the applicant's name, contact information, current location, and possibly their profile picture. These details offer a quick overview of the applicant's profile and initial qualifications.

The second section provides further information related to the applicant. This section may contain additional details such as the job ads advertised by you to which the applicant has applied, applicant's work right information, applicant's education history, work experience, skills and certifications, language proficiencies, and any other relevant information provided by the applicant in their profile. These details offer deeper insights into the applicant's background, qualifications, and suitability for the job role.

Let’s discuss all this information in detail:

  • Profile Picture

    If the applicant has uploaded a profile image on their job seekers profile via the WorkinAUS platform, it will be shown here. In case profile image is not available, a default applicant image will be displayed.

  • Applicant Name

    The applicant’s name is displayed next to the profile picture. If the applicants name is not available then the applicants email will be showcased.

  • Location

    Current location set in the WorkinAUS job seeker’s profile is displayed here.

  • Email

    Email address of the applicant is displayed next to their current location.

  • Contact Number

    Applicant’s contact number specified in their WorkinAUS job seeker profile is displayed.

  • Education

    Last education specified in their WorkinAUS job seeker profile is displayed.

  • Experience

    Total number of experience is calculated and is displayed next to the last education of the applicant.

  • Profile Status

    Applicant’s WorkinAUS job seeker profile completeness in percentage is displayed.


After the applicants basic information, further information is displayed under different tabs, these are explained below:


Jobs tab displays all those job ads published by you and applicant have applied to those positions.

  • Job Title

    Displays the job ad title to which applicant has applied for the job.

  • Applied Via

    This column indicates the method used by the job applicant to apply for the job posting. "Profile" signifies that the job seeker applied via the Apply button. If "Resume" is indicated, it indicates that the job posting includes a Quick Apply button, and the job seeker applied by submitting their resume. If "LinkedIn" appears in this column, it means the job seeker applied through Quick Apply by submitting their LinkedIn profile link. If "Questionnaire" is mentioned, it indicates that the job seeker applied through the Quick Apply Questionnaire option.

  • Attachments

    • Resume This icon denotes that the applicant for the job ad has uploaded their resume. Clicking this icon will open the resume in a new tab.

    • Cover_Letter This icon signifies that the applicant for the job ad has included a cover letter while applying for the position. Clicking this icon will download the cover letter in Word (docx) format.

    • Question This icon indicates that the applicant for the job ad has responded to the questions posed by the employer. If "Questionnaire" is mentioned under "Applied Via," this icon signifies that the applicant applied through Quick Apply using the questionnaire option.

    • Linkedin This icon denotes that the job applicant utilized the Quick Apply button to submit their LinkedIn profile link when applying to the job ad. "LinkedIn" would also be listed under the "Applied Via" column.

    • Video_Cover_Letter This icon signifies that the applicant for the job ad has also included a video cover letter when applying for the position.

  • Applied Date

    This column displays the date when the applicant applied to the job ads.

  • Status

    This column exhibits the status of the job ad application. Initially, when an applicant applies to the job ad, the status defaults to "New." Subsequently, this status can be altered by changing it from the Action column.

  • Action

    Clicking the action dots offers the option to modify the applicant's status. "Shortlisted" indicates that the job applicant has been selected from the pool of applicants for the job ad. "Interview" signifies that the applicant has been chosen for a job interview. "Hired" indicates that the applicant has been selected for the advertised position. "Rejected" denotes that the applicant has not been selected for the advertised job and has been declined. For each status change, job applicant been notified through a push notification or an email notification.

Work Rights

The "Work rights" tab within the applicant's profile showcases the details regarding the applicant's authorization to work. This information is either set prior to applying for a job ad or is provided within their WorkinAUS job seeker profile. It typically includes specifics about the applicant's eligibility to work in Australia, including any visas, permits, or other legal permissions required for employment. This section offers employers insights into the applicant's legal status to work, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and facilitating informed hiring decisions.


Career History

The "Career history" tab within the applicant's profile presents a comprehensive overview of the applicant's professional background. This section includes all the experience-related information provided by the applicant within their WorkinAUS job seeker profile. It typically encompasses details such as previous job titles, employers, dates of employment, job responsibilities, achievements, and any other relevant professional experiences. By compiling this information, the Career history tab offers employers valuable insights into the applicant's work history, skills, expertise, and career progression. It serves as a vital resource for recruiters and hiring managers to assess the applicant's qualifications, suitability for the job, and potential fit within their organization.


Education History

The "Education history" tab within the applicant's profile presents a comprehensive overview of the applicant's academic background. This section contains all the educational information provided by the applicant within their WorkinAUS job seeker profile. It typically includes details such as educational institutions attended, degrees obtained, majors or fields of study, graduation dates, academic achievements, and any other relevant educational experiences.


Skills & Languages

The "Skills and languages" tab within the applicant's profile provides a comprehensive overview of the applicant's proficiency in various skills and languages. This section contains all the skills and languages information provided by the applicant within their WorkinAUS job seeker profile. It typically includes details such as technical skills, soft skills, language proficiencies, certifications, and any other relevant abilities.


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