Dashboard Overview
  • 27 May 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Dashboard Overview

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Article summary

WorkinAUS Dashboard

This article offers an in-depth exploration of the WorkinAUS Dashboard. Upon signing up, you are directed to the central Dashboard. It's worth noting that the Dashboard elements are different for new and existing users. Let's take a closer look at how these elements vary for each user.

Dashboard - New User

When a new user signs up to the platform, an account is created and the On Demand subscription is automatically activated. The On Demand subscription allows you to publish job ads and pay as you go for each ad. There is no expiry date for an On Demand subscription.  

You can change your subscription by navigating to Subscription —> Subscription Plan on the left hand menu or click on the Upgrade button in the Active Subscription box.

Here’s a screenshot of the Dashboard for a new user:


Dashboard - Active User

Once your subscription is active and you are publishing job ads, the information displayed on the dashboard changes according to your activity and usage patterns. Here’s an example:


Here’s some more information about each element on the dashboard:

Header Bar

  • Company logo

    The top left corner of the header bar displays your company logo. You can upload your logo via the Company Profile module. A default image displays if no logo has been uploaded.

  • Company Name

    Next to your company logo image, company name is displayed. This is the company name you entered when you registered with WorkinAUS.

  • Manage Companies

    Clicking the Manage Companies button, initially navigates you to the Company Management module of the platform where you can add further companies if required. Once a company or companies are added then this button provides an easy way to switch into your other company dashboards.

  • Chat Icon

    Clicking the chat icon navigates you to the Applicants module, where you’ll find all your posted job applicants.

  • Bell Icon

    Clicking the bell icon opens a small menu where you can read your latest notifications, and view all notifications.

  • Profile Icon

    Clicking the profile icon enables you to navigate to My Profile where you can edit your profile information and set up two factor authentication for your account.

Post a Job

Clicking the Post a Job button navigates you to the job ad form, where you can create and publish a standard or labour market testing (LMT) compliant job ad.

Dashboard Counters

The WorkinAUS dashboard displays several counters, providing an overview of important information:

  • Total Ads Created

    Displays the overall number of job ads generated under your account. It includes job ads saved in Draft, Published, Unpublished, or Expired states. Clicking on the counter navigates you to the Job Ads page, where you can access all your created job ads.

  • Total Applicants

    Displays the number of applicants who have submitted applications for your advertised jobs. Clicking on the counter navigates you to the Applicants module of the WorkinAUS platform.

  • Total Ads Views

    Shows the overall number of views for job ads posted on the WorkinAUS platform.

  • Company Count

    Presents the number of companies created under one parent company. You can create multiple companies under Manage Companies.

Subscription Information

In this part of the Dashboard, you’ll find information regarding your current subscription:

  • Subscription Name

    For a new user, the subscription type defaults to On Demand. Active users may have another subscription type listed here, for example Value, Growth or another custom subscription, along with the subscription expiration date. You can change your subscription plan by navigating to Subscription —> Subscription Plan on the left hand menu or click on the Upgrade button in the Active Subscription box.

  • Available Job Ad Credits

    Displays the number of job ads credits you have to use.

  • Available Featured Ad Credits

    Displays the number of featured ad credits you have to use.

  • Upgrade Button

    Navigates you to the Subscription Plan page, where you can purchase different subscription plans. Upgrade button will not appear if you have subscribed to a custom subscription plan with a lock-in period.

  • Cancel Button

    Halts the account subscription renewal process. You can still publish job ads if you have available job ad credits until the subscription's expiry date. Cancel button will not appear if you are in On Demand mode or have subscribed to a custom subscription plan with a lock-in period.

  • View Transaction History

    Navigates you to the Transaction History module of the account, where you can access records of all successful and unsuccessful (if any) transactions associated with your account.

Last 5 Job Ads

For a new user this part of the Dashboard showcases links to either post a job ad or purchase a subscription plan. For active users, this part of the Dashboard showcases your five most recently published job ads, showing the job ad title, industry category, publication date, applicant count, and job ad status. Clicking on any of the job ads navigates you to the page displaying the applicants for that particular job.

Last 5 Applicants

For a new user this part of the Dashboard showcases a link to your Company Profile until a job seeker applies for one of your posted jobs and then it will display the five most recent applicants for any of your published jobs. It will display the applicant’s name, job ad title, submitted information and applicant status.

Left Menu

The left menu of the employer’s platform offers numerous other functionalities and features. Here’s an overview:


  • Navigates you to your account Dashboard.

  • Jobs

    Expanding the Jobs option presents additional options: Job Ads and Job Template. Job Ads navigates you to the job ads listing page, where you can post, edit, or delete a job ad. Job Template navigates you to your job ad templates, allowing you to modify a saved template to publish a job ad.

  • Applicants

    Navigates you to the Applicants module of the system, where all applicants who have applied for your posted jobs are displayed.

  • Media Gallery

    Where you can upload images and videos for your job ads or company profile.

  • Subscription

    Expanding the subscription option reveals additional options:
    Subscription Plans, where you can select and purchase a different subscription plan.
    Transaction History, where you can view all your WorkinAUS account transactions.
    Payment Methods, where you can add or remove a credit card and set a default credit card for future transactions.

  • Agencies

    Expanding the Agencies option reveals additional options:
    Manage Agencies, where you can manage multiple agencies and send invitations to agencies.

    Invitations, where you can view invitations sent to or received by agencies.

  • Manage

    Expanding the Manage option reveals further options:
    Company Profile, where you can set your displayed company cover image and logo, other business information and set up other account settings.
    Manage Companies, where you can create and oversee additional child companies.
    User Roles, where you can establish roles for account management by granting permissions.
    Users, where you can create additional users for your company account and assign roles to them for account operation.

  • Settings

    Expanding the Settings option offers additional options:
    Notification Settings, where you can toggle various system notification settings on or off.
    Third Party Integration, where you can configure third-party job boards, JobAdder, Broadbean, and Idibu account settings, allowing you to publish job ads simultaneously across their platforms and on the WorkinAUS platform.

  • Sign Out

    Logs you out of the WorkinAUS platform and navigates you back to the Login page.

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