Getting started with WorkinAUS
  • 16 Apr 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Getting started with WorkinAUS

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Article summary

Getting started with WorkinAUS Platform as a Job Seeker

Welcome to WorkinAUS! We're thrilled to assist you in beginning your journey with the WorkinAUS platform as a Job Seeker. This guide will introduce you to the various signup options offered by WorkinAUS and provide insights into their utilisation. Additionally, we'll explore the login options available for job seekers.

At WorkinAUS, we understand the importance of flexibility when it comes to signing up for our platform. That's why we offer a range of options tailored to suit your preferences. As a job seeker, you have the freedom to choose from multiple signup methods. You can opt for the traditional approach by signing up using just your email address. Alternatively, if you prefer a more streamlined process, you have the option to upload your resume directly. Additionally, for added convenience and efficiency, we provide the option to sign up using your social media accounts, such as Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn. With these various signup options, we aim to cater to your individual needs and make the onboarding process as seamless as possible.

Sign Up

To start using WorkinAUS platform as a job seeker, please follow the below steps:

  • To sign up as a Job Seeker, visit the WorkinAUS platform

  • Click the Sign Up button available at the top right and a Sign Up popup will appear.


Sign Up with Email

  • Specify your email address in the input box for which the placeholder text says Email Address.

  • Specify password in the input box for which the placeholder text says Password.

  • Tick the checkbox indicating your acknowledgment and acceptance of our Privacy Policy and Platform terms by continuing. We recommend you to read both the documents thoroughly.

  • Click the Sign Up button. System will initiate the process of creating your account and will display a success toast message if an account doesn’t exists already in the WorkinAUS database.

  • You will then be redirected to the WorninAUS Home page after successful sign up.

Sign Up with Resume

  • Click the button Sign Up with resume and sign up popup will turn into Upload a resume popup.

  • Tick the checkbox indicating your acknowledgment and acceptance of our Privacy Policy and Platform terms by continuing. We recommend you to read both the documents thoroughly. This will enable “upload a resume“ button.

  • Click the “Upload a resume“ button, this will open file browser. Browse for your resume, select and click “Open“ button.

  • System will upload and parse the resume. System will create your job seeker account with the email address mentioned in your resume, system will also will send you a temporary password email over the email address mentioned in your resume and will display a success toast message if no error is caused in the process. System will also extract the information i.e. Name, Email address, Career history, Education information, and will save it in your Profile.

  • You will then be redirected to the WorninAUS Recommended Jobs page after successful sign up.

Sign Up with Social Media Account

  • Look for the option to sign up using your social media account. WorkinAUS provides option to sign up through Facebook, Google & LinkedIn and are indicated by the social media platform buttons respectively. Click on the button for the social media platform you want to use for sign-up.

  • You'll be redirected to the chosen social media platform's website or app, where you may need to log in if you're not already logged in. Then, you'll be asked to authorize the service to access certain information from your social media account. Read and understand the permissions requested before proceeding.

  • Once you've authorized access, you will be redirected back to the WorkinAUS website.

  • Once you've completed the sign-up process, you should be able to start using the WorkinAUS with your social media account.

  • You will then be redirected to the WorninAUS Home page after successful sign up.

Sign Up with Resume Drag & Drop

  • To sign up as a Job Seeker, visit the WorkinAUS platform

  • Over the job seeker’s landing page, locate the area to drop your resume which is just below the job search bar.


  • Either click the designated area to browse and select your resume from your system or just drop your resume over it.

  • System will upload and parse the resume. System will create your job seeker account with the email address mentioned in your resume, system will also will send you a temporary password email over the email address mentioned in your resume and will display a success toast message if no error is caused in the process. System will also extract the information i.e. Name, Email address, Career history, Education information, and will save it in your Profile.

  • You will then be redirected to the WorninAUS Recommended Jobs page after successful sign up.


  • When you sign up with resume, system parse your resume, extract the information and save it in your Profile. We recommend you to review this information in your profile before applying to any job, it is because AI is involved to extract the information which may not be 100% accurate.


If you already have a WorkinAUS job seeker account then please follow below steps to login in to your account:

  • To login as a Job Seeker, visit the WorkinAUS platform

  • Click the Login button available at the top right and a Login popup will appear.

  • You can login in to your account by specifying your account email address & password or through your social media account.

  • Once you are logged in, you will be redirected to the WorkinAUS Home page.


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