  • 18 Apr 2024
  • 14 Minutes to read
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Article summary


In this article, we'll explore the various job management features provided by the WorkinAUS platform, which aim to enhance the job search experience for you. These features include Job Search, Saved Jobs, Applied Jobs, and Recommended Jobs functionalities, each serving a distinct purpose in assisting you as a job seeker in your quest for employment opportunities.

Together, these features empower you to navigate the job market with ease and efficiency, bringing you closer to your desired career path.

Job Search

You will often encounter a visually striking hero section, which serves as a focal point for engaging visitors and guiding them towards utilizing the platform's primary feature: the search bar. This hero section typically showcases captivating imagery alongside the search bar, drawing your attention and inviting you to take action. The search bar acts as a central tool for you to explore job opportunities tailored to your preferences and requirements. You can initiate your job search by entering specific keywords or job titles relevant to your desired role or industry.

The search bar allows you to refine your job search further by specifying additional criteria such as industry category or subcategory and location preferences. You can select from a range of industry categories or subcategories to narrow down your search results, ensuring relevance to your professional interests. Additionally, you can specify the suburb or city or postcode where you are interested in working, enabling you to find job opportunities in your preferred geographic area.

Furthermore, the WorkinAUS platform provides you with a range of filters to fine-tune your job search and tailor results to your specific preferences. These filters include options such as Pay Type, Work Type, Minimum Salary, Maximum Salary, and Time Range. By applying these filters, you can narrow down your search results to find jobs that align with your salary expectations, preferred work arrangements, and availability.

Overall, the hero section featuring the search bar serves as a dynamic and interactive gateway for you to explore job opportunities on the WorkinAUS platform. With its intuitive design and comprehensive search functionality, the platform empowers you to find relevant job listings efficiently and effectively, enhancing your overall job search experience.


Clicking the "Search" button only and not specifying any keyword or category or subcategory or location, navigates you to a search page where system will list all the available jobs over WorkinAUS platform.


The search page on WorkinAUS is designed to optimize the user experience by providing a comprehensive overview of jobs listing while simultaneously offering detailed information about individual positions. Upon accessing the search results page, you are presented with a layout that divides the screen into two distinct sections.

On the left side of the page, you will find a comprehensive list of jobs listing, displayed in a structured and easily navigable format. Each job listing typically includes essential details such as company name, job title, iconic display of various characteristics of job, location, category & subcategory information, work type, posting duration, job summary, salary range & type and apply or quick apply button, enabling you to quickly assess the relevance of each opportunity.

Conversely, the right side of the page is dedicated to providing detailed information about the selected job listing. When you land on the search results page, the first job in the listing in the left-hand section is automatically selected, and its complete details are dynamically loaded and displayed on the right-hand side. This layout ensures that you have immediate access to pertinent information about the highlighted job listing without the need for additional clicks or navigation.

By presenting job listings and their corresponding details side by side, the search page on WorkinAUS offers you a seamless and intuitive browsing experience. You can efficiently review multiple job opportunities at a glance while also accessing in-depth information about specific listings with ease. This streamlined layout enhances your engagement and facilitates informed decision-making during the job search process.

You may notice some icons displayed over the advertised jobs, each of these icons represent different characteristics of the job. Comprehensive explanation of these icons is given below:

  • Star_Icon_purple Click this icon to save the job into your Saved Jobs.

  • Share_Icon_purple Click this icon to share job over different social media platforms or share it through an email.

  • external_purple Click this icon to open the job in a full page detailed view.

  • Student_Icon This icon represents that the job ad is open for the students in Australia and they can also apply for the advertised job.

  • BackPacaker_Icon This icon indicates that the job ad is open to backpackers, who are also eligible to apply for the advertised job.

  • AustraliaMap_Icon This icon represents that the job ad is open for the Australian citizens and to permanent residents of Australia.

  • World_Icon This icon represents that the job ad is open for the international candidates as well.

Company Overview

You can view the company profile information by clicking the company name either in the jobs listing section or in the detailed view of the job. Company profile information is displayed in a popup if the employer/ recruiter of the WorkinAUS has provided their company profile information. It also exhibits the employer’s/ recruiter’s website, support email and contact number if provided.


Towards the bottom of the popup window, you will find a valuable feature that provides insights into the overall scope of job opportunities offered by the respective employer/ recruiter. Here, you will observe a count indicating the total number of jobs posted by the employer/ recruiter. This count serves as a useful reference point, offering you a quick overview of the volume of job listings available from that particular source.

Additionally, you are presented with the option to explore all the jobs listing posted by the employer/ recruiter in more detail. This option is facilitated through a clearly labelled button "View All Jobs." By clicking on this button, you are seamlessly redirected to a dedicated search page within the WorkinAUS platform.

Upon navigating to the designated search page, you will encounter an extensive listing of all the jobs posted by the specific employer/ recruiter. This page offers you the opportunity to browse through a comprehensive array of job opportunities available from that particular source, providing a centralized hub for exploring relevant career prospects.

By providing access to the "View All Jobs" feature, WorkinAUS empowers you with the ability to delve deeper into the job offerings presented by a specific employer/ recruiter. This functionality enables you to gain a broader understanding of the employment opportunities available within an organisation, facilitating informed decision-making during the job search process.

Saved Jobs

The Saved Jobs feature allows you to save job listings that pique your interest for future reference. This feature is particularly beneficial for you which come across job postings that align with your career goals or preferences but you may not be ready to apply immediately.

By saving these jobs, you can easily revisit them at a later time without the need to search for them again. Saved jobs provide you with a convenient way to curate a personalized list of potential employment opportunities, enabling you to stay organised and focused on roles that match your criteria.

To view your saved jobs, simply click on the "Saved Jobs" option in the menu, accessible via the avatar icon located in the top header. This option becomes available once you log in or sign up for your WorkinAUS job seeker account.


On the WorkinAUS platform, saving a job for future reference is a straightforward process designed to provide you with convenience and efficiency. When browsing through the list of advertised job ads, you can easily save any job that catches your interest by simply clicking on the Star_Icon_purple icon associated with the respective job ad. This icon serves as a symbol for saving job across the WorkinAUS platform, making it intuitive for you to understand its function.

Upon clicking the star icon to save a job, the system promptly registers your action and initiates the saving process. As a visual indicator of this action, the star icon's appearance changes from an outline or unfilled state to a filled state i.e. FilledStar_SaveJob_Icon_purple, signifying that the job has been successfully saved. This immediate visual feedback reassures you that your desired job has been added to your list of saved jobs, providing you with a sense of accomplishment and control over your job search.

In addition to the visual change in the star icon's appearance, the system also generates a success toast message to further confirm to you that the job has been saved successfully. This toast message typically appears as a brief pop-up notification on the screen, briefly informing you of the successful saving action. This real-time feedback mechanism ensures that you are promptly notified of your action and helps maintain a seamless and responsive user experience. Saved jobs page looks like as illustrated below:


On the saved jobs listing page of the WorkinAUS platform, the layout is thoughtfully designed to provide you with convenient access to important information and options for managing your saved job listings. Positioned prominently at the top left corner of the page is a clear indicator displaying the total count of jobs that you have saved thus far. This count serves as a quick reference, allowing you to gauge the extent of your saved jobs listing at a glance.

Meanwhile, on the right side of the page, you will find a toggle feature designed to enhance the browsing experience further. This toggle is specifically aimed at optimizing the visibility of saved jobs listing by providing you with the option to filter out certain types of listings. By default, all saved jobs are displayed on the page, regardless of their current status. However, by enabling the toggle, you can choose to hide jobs that have been either removed by the employer/recruiter or have expired.

This functionality is particularly useful as it helps you streamline your saved jobs listing to focus only on those that are still active and available for application. By hiding removed or expired jobs, you can declutter your saved jobs page and ensure that they are presented with relevant and actionable opportunities. This toggle empowers you to maintain an organized and up-to-date collection of saved jobs listing.

In addition to saving jobs for future reference, the WorkinAUS platform also offers you the flexibility to manage your saved job listings efficiently by providing a convenient option to remove saved jobs when needed. You can easily remove a saved job from your saved jobs listing by clicking on the FilledStar_SaveJob_Icon_purpleicon available over the job listing or over the job detail.

When you click on the star icon to remove a saved job, the system promptly registers your action and initiates the process of removing the job from your saved jobs listing. As a visual indicator of this action, the star icon's appearance reverts from a filled state to an outline or unfilled state, signaling that the job has been successfully removed from your saved list.

This visual change in the star icon's appearance serves as immediate feedback to you, confirming that the job has been successfully removed from your saved jobs listing. Additionally, the system also generates a brief toast message to inform you of the successful removal action, providing you with further reassurance and clarity.

Applied Jobs

The Applied Jobs feature on the WorkinAUS platform serves as a valuable tool for you to keep track of your job applications effectively. When you apply for a job through the platform, whether it's submitting a resume or providing your LinkedIn profile link or answering the questionnaire through Quick Apply or completing the application form through Apply, the Applied Jobs feature automatically records and logs the details of these job applications.

By maintaining a record of applied jobs, you can easily monitor the status of your applications and stay organized. This feature provides you with a centralized repository where you can access information about the jobs you have applied for, including the job title, date applied, job status and remove action to remove the job from the applied jobs listing.

To view your applied jobs, simply click on the "Applied Jobs" option in the menu, accessible via the avatar icon located in the top header. This option becomes available once you log in or sign up for your WorkinAUS job seeker account.


The process of listing applied jobs on the WorkinAUS platform is straightforward and seamless. Whenever you submit an application for a job through the platform, the system automatically adds the job to the applied jobs listing page.

This automated process ensures that you have a comprehensive and up-to-date record of the jobs you have applied for. By logging each application, the platform provides you with a centralized location where you can easily track your application history. Applied jobs page looks like as illustrated below:


This feature provides you with a centralized repository where you can access information about the jobs you have applied for, including the job title, date applied, job status and remove action to remove the job from the applied jobs listing.

The applied jobs listing page on the WorkinAUS platform features a carefully crafted layout aimed at providing you with easy access to vital information and option for managing your applied jobs. Positioned prominently in the top left corner of the page is a clear indicator displaying the total count of jobs that have been applied for. This count serves as a quick reference point, allowing you to assess the volume of your applied jobs at a glance.

On the right side of the page, you will find a toggle feature designed to enhance the browsing experience. This toggle enables you to optimize the visibility of your applied jobs listing by filtering out specific types of jobs. By default, all applied jobs are displayed on the page, regardless of their current status. However, enabling the toggle allows you to hide jobs that have either been removed by the employer/recruiter or have expired.

This functionality proves particularly beneficial as it enables you to streamline your applied jobs listing, focusing solely on active opportunities. By concealing removed or expired jobs, you can declutter your applied jobs page, ensuring it remains organized and up-to-date.

To access the details of your job application, simply click on the job title. This action triggers a pop-up window to appear, presenting a comprehensive overview of your job application details. Within this pop-up, you can review all the information and documents submitted as part of your application process.

Additionally, the pop-up window allows you to conveniently view and read the details of the advertised job itself. This feature provides you with a holistic view of your application and the corresponding job opportunity, enabling you to assess your candidacy and suitability for the role more effectively.


In the above job application, candidate submitted his Personal Information, his resume, and a video cover letter when applied to the job. Job application status is also mentioned as “new“ which means, this candidates job application hasn’t been viewed by the employer/ recruiter. Employer/ Recruiter (company name by which the job was advertised, in this case it was WorkinAUS) will have access to the candidate’s profile information.

Moreover, the WorkinAUS platform offers you the flexibility to efficiently manage your applied jobs listing by providing a convenient option to remove applied jobs when necessary. You can effortlessly remove an applied job from your listing by clicking on the "Remove" action available for each listed job on the applied jobs page.

Recommended Jobs

The job recommendation feature offered by WorkinAUS is a distinctive aspect of the platform, setting it apart from others in the industry. This feature operates on an automated basis, leveraging advanced algorithms to analyse the information stored in your Profile and subsequently recommending jobs that align closely with your preferences and qualifications.

The job recommendation engine of the WorkinAUS platform meticulously scrutinizes the details provided in your profile, conducting a thorough assessment to identify job opportunities that best match your skills, experience, and career objectives.

For optimal and accurate job recommendations, it is highly advisable to ensure that your Profile is complete and regularly updated. By maintaining an up-to-date profile, you provide the job recommendation engine with the most relevant and current information, enabling it to make informed suggestions tailored specifically to your professional background and aspirations. This proactive approach enhances the effectiveness of the job recommendation feature, increasing the likelihood of discovering suitable job opportunities that resonate with your career goals.

To view the recommended jobs, simply click on the "Recommended Jobs" option in the menu, accessible via the avatar icon located in the top header. This option becomes available once you log in or sign up for your WorkinAUS job seeker account.


The recommended jobs listing page on the WorkinAUS platform is designed with your convenience in mind, offering easy access to essential information. At the top left corner of the page, you will find a prominent indicator displaying the total count of jobs that have been recommended to you by the WorkinAUS recommendation engine. This count serves as a helpful reference, providing you with an overview of the volume of recommended jobs available.

You can explore these recommended jobs and apply to those that align best with your skills, qualifications, and career preferences. The layout of the page is intuitively organized, allowing you to quickly browse through the recommended job listings. Each job listing typically includes key details such as the job title, company name, location, and a brief description of the role.

With easy access to a curated list of recommended jobs, you can efficiently navigate between the jobs and identify opportunities that suit your needs and aspirations. By leveraging the recommendations provided by the WorkinAUS platform, you can streamline your job search efforts and increase your chances of finding relevant and appealing employment opportunities. Recommended jobs page looks like as illustrated below:


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