Manage Clients
  • 28 Feb 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Manage Clients

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Article summary

Manage Clients

This option is exclusively accessible to Recruiters through the "Manage" section in the left menu. This article provides comprehensive insights into creating and managing your client list. These clients are the ones for whom you'll post job ads on their behalf. Clients added here will appear in the dropdown menu labeled "Select Clients" when creating job advertisements.

You can access the Manage Clients page by expanding the Manage menu option available in the left menu.

Let’s discuss the Manage Clients page, where clients are displayed in a grid format, in detail:


The clients grid presents the following details and features for each client:

  • Search Job

    At the top of the clients grid, a search feature is available. You can search for a client by entering the client’s name. The system will then search for the client that match the entered keywords.

  • Select Status

    Select any of the status from the available list and system will search for the client(s) that match(es) the selected status. The "All" option is selected by default.

  • Clients

    This column displays the name of the clients that are added by you under your account.

  • Created On

    This column displays the date when you added a client in your account.

  • Actions

    This column exhibits three dots. However, clicking on it reveals Edit and Delete functionalities that can be performed for a client. Each of these functionalities is briefly described below:

    • Edit

      Clicking this option, opens a popup where you can edit the client information.

    • Delete

      Clicking this option, sets the status of the client as Trashed and removes it from the list of your clients. Please note that the deleted clients will not appear in the Select Clients dropdown list when creating a job ad.

Create Client

The “Create Client“ button is located at the top right corner of the clients grid. When you click on the "Create Client" button, it triggers the appearance of an "Add Client" popup. This popup serves as a user interface element for inputting and specifying the basic information necessary to create a new client.


  • Image

    You can upload the logo of your client. Click the change photo icon available at the right corner of the avatar and it will open the file browser. Navigate to the desired location in your machine and select the image that you want to be displayed as client’s logo. Please note that the selected image must not exceed the file size of 1MB. This is an optional field.

  • Client Name

    Enter the name of the client that you are going to add. This is a mandatory field.

  • Phone Number

    Enter the contact number of your client. This is an optional field and it will not be displayed over the job advertisement.

  • Client Email

    Enter the client’s contact email. This field is mandatory but it will not be displayed over the job advertisement.

  • Add Client

    Clicking the Add Client button will create and add the client under manage clients. A success message will be displayed upon the successful creation of the client and the Add Client popup will close.

  • Cancel

    Clicking the Cancel button, cancels the Add Client operation and closes the popup

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