Manage Companies
  • 07 May 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Manage Companies

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Article summary

Manage Companies

This article gives you in-depth knowledge of creating and mainting multiple companies. Creating and maintaining multiple companies provides a robust framework for managing distinct business entities independently within a unified platform. Here's an elaboration on the significance and process involved in this capability:

Independent Entities: Each company created within the platform operates as a separate and independent entity, distinct from the parent company and any other child companies. This autonomy allows for separate branding, operations, and management of each entity.

Resource Allocation: Unlike subsidiaries under a parent company, the child companies created in this context do not share resources or information with the parent company or other child companies. Each company maintains its own subscription, job ads, and account maintenance, ensuring complete separation of resources and activities.

Operational Autonomy: By treating each company as a standalone entity, you have the flexibility to manage and customize your company profiles, job ads, and other account settings independently. This autonomy enables you to tailor their branding, messaging, and recruitment strategies according to the unique requirements of each company.

Account Maintenance: Each company's subscription plan, job ads, transaction history, and other account-related activities are managed separately within the platform. You can track and manage the performance of each company individually, making it easier to assess the effectiveness of your recruitment efforts and overall business strategy.

In summary, creating and maintaining multiple companies within a unified platform offers you the flexibility and control to manage distinct business entities effectively. By treating each company as a separate entity, you can customize branding, operations, and recruitment strategies to meet the unique needs of each entity.

You can access the Manage Companies page by expanding the Manage menu option available in the left menu.

Let’s discuss the Manage Companies page in detail:


  • Search Company

    At the top of the Manage Companies grid, a search feature is available. You can search for a specific company by entering its name. The system will then search for the company that matches the entered keywords.

  • Select Status

    Select any of the status from the available list and system will search for the company (or companies) that matches the selected staus. The "All" option is selected by default.

  • Clear

    Clicking the clear button clears all the filters and setting the filters to default.

  • Filter

    Clicking the filter button prompts the system to search for the company (or companies) as per the filter set by you.

  • Companies

    This column serves as a reference for the names of the companies that have been created within the platform. Here's an elaboration on the information provided in this column:

    Company Names: The column displays the names of the companies that have been created within the platform.

    Parent Company Tag: The "Parent Company" tag indicates the primary or parent company within the hierarchy of companies. This designation signifies that the company serves as the foundational entity from which other child companies may be created or managed.

    Default Tag: The "Default" tag denotes the company currently selected or being actively viewed within the user interface. When navigating between multiple companies, this tag helps you identify which company's information you are currently accessing or modifying.

  • Created On

    This colummn displays the creation date of each company.

  • Switch Company

    This column provides the button to switch between the companies.

  • Actions

    This column exhibits three dotts, however clicking it provides option to Edit the company basic information or Delete the company. Please note that actions menu is not available for the parent company as it could not be deleted neither could be edited from here.

Create Company

The "Create Company" button is a prominent feature located at the top right corner of the Manage Companies page within the platform's interface. This button initiates the process of adding a new company to the system. When you click on the "Create Company" button, it triggers the appearance of an "Add Company" popup. This popup serves as a user interface element for inputting and specifying the basic information necessary to create a new company within the platform.


  • Company Name

    Enter the company’s name that you desire to create. Please note that this is a mandatory field.

  • Phone Number

    Enter the phone number that you want to associate with the company. Its an optional field and can be left empty.

  • Admin Name

    Enter the name of the person who will be managing/ administring the company. Its an optional field and could be left empty.

  • Admin Email

    Enter the email address of the person who will be managing/ administring the company. Its an optional field and could be left empty.

  • Australian Business Number

    Enter the Australian Business Number for the company, that you are about to add, if your company is operating in Australia. It is a unique idenfier issued by the Australian Government to businesses operating in Australia.

  • Add Company

    Clicking the Add Company button will create and add the company as a child company. A success message will be displayed upon the successful creation of the company and the Add Company popup will close.

  • Cancel

    Clicking the Cancel button, cancels the Add Company operation and closes the popup.

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