Post a Job
  • 03 Jun 2024
  • 16 Minutes to read
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Post a Job

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Article summary

Create Job Ad

This article offers comprehensive guidance on creating a Standard Job Ad. (See also Post a labour market testing LMT compliant job ad).

Creating job ads on the WorkinAUS platform is simple with the help of the AI job advertisement assistant. The AI job advertisement assistant is designed to save you time and effort while maximising the effectiveness of your recruitment efforts.

Instead of spending hours crafting a job ad manually, the assistant can create it almost instantly. Once the job ad is generated, you have the opportunity to review and edit, as needed, ensuring that the content accurately reflects the requirements of the job and the culture of your company. Additionally, you can personalise the ad to make it more engaging and appealing to potential candidates.

Posting a job ad is a two-step process:

Step 1: Draft the job ad, specifying details such as job title, description, requirements, and any other important information. You can review and refine the ad until you’re happy with it. Once the ad is fully drafted and prepared for publication, you proceed to step 2.

Step 2: Publish the job ad, making the ad visible to job seekers on relevant platforms. When you publish the ad, it becomes accessible to potential candidates who can view and apply for the position. This step allows you to check the ad's details and make any final adjustments before posting it.

The two-step process ensures that job ads are thoroughly prepared and effectively distributed to attract suitable candidates.

Now let’s look at how you create a simple job ad.

Clicking the Post a Job button (found at the top right of the page and in other page locations) navigates you to the job ad form:


  • Job Ad Template

    A job ad can either be created from scratch or selected from a saved job ad template from the dropdown list. Initially, this dropdown will be empty. When you create a new job ad there is a tick box option at the bottom of the form to “save as template”. If you tick this box, the template will then be available in the dropdown for subsequent job ads. This saves time if a similar job ad needs to be published in the future, either as is, or with minor modifications.



  • Select Client

    This feature is exclusively available to Recruiters when creating a job advertisement. Initially, this dropdown will show your own account as a client. However, if you add clients to your account through the Manage Clients feature, you will see a list of all those clients here. From here, you can select the client for whom you intend to post the job advertisement. As a result, the client's logo and company name will be displayed at the bottom of the advertised job ad. If you select your own account as a client then the logo and company name will not be displayed.


  • Job Title

    Enter the job title for your advertisement. Job title is limited to 100 characters. Once you enter the job title and move to the next field, an integrated AI system will kick-in suggesting an ANZSCO code (more on ANZSCO codes below) for the specified job title and then provide the option to generate a job ad description for you.


  • ANZSCO Code

    The ANZSCO (Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations) code is a classification system used in Australia and New Zealand to categorise occupations for various statistical and administrative purposes. It assigns a unique code to each occupation based on the tasks and duties typically associated with it. Once you enter the job title for your advertisement and move to the ANZSCO code field, an integrated AI system will provide a suggested ANZSCO code based on the job title. Review this suggestion before publishing the job ad. If the suggested code is incorrect, you can search and select the correct one by opening the dropdown list. To search for the exact ANZSCO code, please visit Australian Bureau of Statistics website.


  • Category & Sub Category

    Select the relevant industry category for the job ad you're going to publish from the available options. Once a category is selected, the AI system will automatically select the most suitable sub category. However, if the suggested sub category isn’t what you’re looking for, you can still manually select the sub category from the available options.


  • Search Job Location

    Specify the location of your job. You can enter the location based on the suburb, postcode, or city.


  • Work Type

    Select the appropriate work type from the options available: Full time, part time, contract or casual.


  • Salary Type

    Once a work type is selected, the AI system will recommend the salary type and suggest a salary range based on the suggested salary type. However, if the suggested salary type or range isn't suitable, you can manually select the salary type and specify the range. Choose the suitable salary type from the available options: Annual, monthly, hourly, weekly, or daily, and specify the salary range accordingly. You can set the salary range by adjusting the salary range bar.


  • Hide Salary

    Check this box if you prefer not to display salary information on the job ad to job seekers. Please note that for an LMT job ad, you can conceal the salary if the minimum range exceeds AUD 96,400.


  • AI Job Advertisement Assistant

    The AI job advertisement assistant swiftly generates a job ad, so you don’t have to spend hours crafting a job ad manually. After the job ad is generated, you have the opportunity to review and edit it, as needed, to ensure the content accurately reflects the requirements of the job. Additionally, you can personalise the ad to make it more engaging and appealing to potential candidates.

    Click the Try Now button, and a text prompt interface will emerge with a default prompt. If the default prompt aligns with your needs, simply click the Generate button, and the AI system will start working, suggesting a job summary and job description for your job ad. Alternatively, you can modify the default prompt text to better suit your requirements. After making your edits, click the Generate button again, and the AI system will propose a job summary and job description based on your edited prompt.


  • Job Summary

    After the AI job advertisement assistant suggests the job summary text, you still have the option to edit it. Craft a concise and attention-grabbing job summary that will capture the interest of job seekers. The maximum character length for the job summary is 150 characters.


  • Add Video

    Job ad videos serve as powerful tools in recruitment by capturing the attention of potential candidates through dynamic visual content. Beyond simply listing job responsibilities and qualifications, videos offer a multidimensional view of the job environment. They provide an immersive experience, allowing candidates to gain a deeper understanding of the company culture. This firsthand glimpse into the job environment can help candidates envision themselves in the role and assess whether it aligns with their skills, values, and career aspirations. As a result, job ad videos not only enhance candidate engagement but also contribute to more informed and confident decision-making among job seekers.

    To include a video advertisement in your job ad, simply click on Add Video. This will prompt a media gallery popup to appear, allowing you to upload your video. By clicking on the Add Media button, a media drop area will open. Here, you can either drag and drop your video file or click to browse and select the video you wish to upload. Video file size should not exceed 1.5GB.

    After uploading the video, its thumbnail will appear in the media gallery. You can then select and preview the video ad. Once satisfied, click the Save button to associate the video with the job ad.


  • Job Description

    Following the AI job advertisement's suggested text for the job description, you still have the flexibility to add, edit, or remove any unwanted text. It is highly advisable to review the job description text suggested by the AI assistant, as it may not be entirely accurate or aligned with your job requirements.


  • About Company

    Within this section of the job ad, you have the opportunity to include text and additional details about the company, providing job seekers with a deeper understanding of your organisation. A text editor is available to incorporate rich text. By default, the system automatically retrieves content from the About Company section under Company Profile, if provided. If no content has been entered in the About Company section, this area will appear empty. Nonetheless, you can still add text to be showcased to job seekers within the job ad.


  • Add Keywords

    Adding keywords for the job ad involves selecting and incorporating relevant terms and phrases that accurately describe the job position and its requirements. These keywords play a crucial role in optimising the visibility and searchability of the job ad across various platforms, including search engines. You can add multiple keywords separated by a comma.


  • Questions for Candidate (Optional)

    When creating a job ad, you have the option to include questions for candidates to answer. These questions can be presented in either text or video format, providing different means for candidates to express themselves and showcase their qualifications. You can streamline the candidate selection process with filter questions, eliminating unsuitable candidates and ensuring a more focused pool of applicants.

    • Text Questions

      These are traditional written questions that candidates can respond to with typed answers. Text questions are useful for assessing candidates' written communication skills, their understanding of the job requirements, and their ability to articulate their experiences and qualifications concisely.

      Text Questions option appears as selected by default and to add a text question click Add Questions. This action will open a questions popup with the option to write your own questions or select from the library and set characteristics (i.e. multi select, single select and mandatory) as per your requirements.

    • Video Questions

      Alternatively, employers can opt for video questions, where candidates are prompted to record video responses. Video questions offer a more dynamic and personal way for candidates to convey their thoughts, personality, and communication style. Job seekers can respond to the video questions either in video or text format.

      To include a video question in your job ad, simply click on Video Questions. This action will prompt a media gallery popup to appear, allowing you to upload your questions video. By clicking on the Add Media button, a media drop area will open. Here, you can either drag and drop your questions video file or click to browse and select the question video to upload from your device. A maximum video file size of 1.5GB can be uploaded.

      After uploading the questions video, its thumbnail will appear in the media gallery. You can then select and preview the video. Once satisfied, click the Save button to add the questions video to the job ad.

    By incorporating both text and video questions into the job application process, employers can gather comprehensive insights into candidates' abilities, attributes, and suitability for the role. This multifaceted approach allows for a more holistic assessment of candidates and helps employers make more informed hiring decisions.


  • Add this Job Ad to Enterprise Job Board

    If you wish to display the job ad on your enterprise job board, simply check the corresponding box. This action will activate the sections dropdown menu, presenting all available sections within your enterprise job board. From there, you can select the desired section for the job ad to be displayed in.

    In case there are no existing sections generated within your enterprise job board, you can click the Add new section button. This will prompt an Add new section popup to appear, where you can specify the section title and choose or upload a default image for display. After providing the necessary information, click the Save button. The system will then create the section within your enterprise job board and associate the job ad with it when published.


  • Ad Settings

    The WorkinAUS platform provides some additional job ad settings that allow you to easily convey your openness to hiring from diverse talent pools, including international candidates, students, and backpackers, ensuring you attract a broad range of qualified candidates.

    • Quick Apply

      Enabling this setting activates the Quick Apply button on the job ad, allowing job seekers to apply for the job with ease and efficiency. Job seekers are presented with the option to apply using their resume, LinkedIn profile link, or by completing the system-designed information questionnaire.

    • Auto Renew Job Ad

      Activating the auto-renew feature guarantees that your job ad stays live for your desired duration. If you opt to deactivate this feature, your job ad will automatically expire after 30 days. To repost the job ad after it expires, you'll need to acquire a new job ad credit or pay the default ad price as per your active subscription plan.

    • Open to international applicants

      Enabling this option will display an icon (globe-americas) over the job ad, indicating that sponsorship is an option for prospective international applicants.

    • Open for students located in Australia

      Enabling this option will display an icon (students) over the job ad, indicating that students in Australia can apply for the job.

    • Open for backpackers

      Enabling this option will display an icon (backpack) over the job, indicating that the job is open to backpackers.


  • Include Client Information on Job Ad

    Enabling this option will display the selected client’s name and logo at the bottom of the job ad. This option only appears for Recruiters.


  • Save as Template

    Enabling this tick box and clicking the Save As Draft or Save & Continue button will save the job ad as a template. This will help you to reduce the time required drafting new job ads in future.


  • Preview Ad

    Preview ad functionality enables you to see how the job ad will appear to job seekers before it is published. This feature provides a preview of the job ad layout, content, and formatting, allowing you to check the ad looks as intended and effectively communicates the job details to potential applicants. It helps you to make any necessary adjustments or corrections before finalising and publishing the job ad to ensure a positive candidate experience.

  • Discard

    Discard will cancel the creation or editing process entirely. When you click the Discard button, any changes or additions made during the current session will be removed, and you'll be navigated to the job ad listing page without saving your progress. This action is useful if you decide to discard the changes you've made and start over or if you no longer wish to proceed with creating or editing the job ad.

  • Save As Draft

    The Save As Draft button functions to preserve the current progress made on a job ad without immediately publishing it. When you click Save As Draft, the changes you've made are saved in a draft version, allowing you to return to it later for further editing and finalising. It ensures that your progress is securely retained without being publicly visible until you're ready to complete and publish the job ad.

  • Save & Continue

    The Save & Continue button saves your progress and any additions you’ve made and takes you to the next step of the process to post a job ad.


Once you’ve clicked on the Save & Continue button, you are then navigated to the final step of posting your job ad. On this page, your current subscription information is displayed along with the logos of the third-party platforms where your job ad will be posted.

Let’s look at this second step to post your job in detail:


At the top of the page, you can navigate to Edit and Preview the job ad before publishing it. Then you’ll see the details of your current subscription.

Here’s some further information on subscription scenarios:

  • Subscription Details - On Demand

    By default, when you register on the platform, the On Demand subscription is activated where you pay as you go for each job ad. The job ad unit price is displayed under your subscription details. You’ll also see there is a Featured Ad tick box with the unit price to feature an ad. In this example, the Featured Ad tick box has not been selected. Scroll down to the Payment Methods section and you’ll see an Add Card button to associate a credit card to your account and make a payment.


Click Add Card and an Add New Payment Method form will be displayed, where you can enter your credit card details. After entering your credit card information click the Add Payment Method button and the system will add your card under the Payment Methods section.
Please note that your credit card information is saved securely with STRIPE; WorkinAUS does not store this information.


Once your card is associated with your account, it will be set as the default card for future transactions and the Continue to Payment button will be enabled. Click the Continue to Payment button to proceed with your payment. Once the transaction goes through, a confirmation message will appear, and the job ad will be published.


  • Subscription Details - Paid Subscription

    If you have a paid subscription plan, for example Value, Growth, or Custom you’ll see the number of job ad credits and job featured credits you have in the subscription section.

    On the screenshot example below you can see in the cart summary that 1 job credit will be used for the transaction, and the Featured Ad option has also been ticked, adding 1 Featured Job Ad Credit to the pricing column. Click Publish to commence the job ad publishing process or Save As Draft.


  • Subscription Details - Paid Subscription - No Job Ad Credits & No Featured Ad Credits

    In this scenario, you have consumed all the Job Ad Credits and Featured Ad Credits, but you still need to publish the job ad and feature it. To proceed, you can pay the job ad unit price (which may vary based on the subscription plan) along with the unit price to feature the job ad. The payment method utilised will depend on your account settings.

    • Credit Card as Default Payment Method

      If a credit card is set as the default payment method, and if one or more credit cards are associated with your account, they will be displayed here. You can see which credit card is selected as the default payment method. Click the Continue to Payment button to proceed with the payment. Once the transaction has gone through, a confirmation message will appear, and the job ad will be published.


    • Invoice as Default Payment Method

      If invoice is set as your default payment method, click Continue to Payment to proceed with the payment. Once the transaction has gone through, a confirmation message will appear, and the job ad will be published.


  • Platforms - This Job Ad will publish on:

    This section of the job payment screen displays the logos of the platforms where the job ad will be published:

    • The job ad will be posted on the WorkinAUS platform.

    • The job ad will be posted on the TalentExpert platform.

    •  The job ad will be posted on the WorkForce Australia platform.

    • joraThe job ad will be posted on the Jora platform.

    • adzuna_logo The job ad will be posted on the Adzuna platform.

    • The job ad will be posted on the WorkinAUS partner website.

Once you have successfully published your job ad, you will be navigated to the Job Board grid where your published job ad will appear at the top of the list as you can see in the below screenshot:


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