  • 18 Apr 2024
  • 33 Minutes to read
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Article summary


The Profile module for the job seekers in WorkinAUS platform empowers you to present a comprehensive overview of your professional identity to potential employers/ recruiters. It serves as a digital resume, encapsulating crucial details such as personal information, introductory video, work experience, education, skills, certifications and additional information.

This module acts as a vital tool for you to market yourself effectively, highlighting your strengths, experiences, and qualifications in a structured and accessible format. By crafting a compelling profile, you can enhance your visibility and attractiveness to employers/ recruiters, increasing your chances of securing relevant employment opportunities in the Australian job market. Regularly updating and refining your profile is key to staying competitive and positioning yourself as a desirable candidate within the WorkinAUS ecosystem.

Let’s take a closer look at the Profile module and discuss in detail. To go into the Profile, click the avatar icon available at the top right which appears once you login into your account or sign up as a job seeker, a small menu will appear. Profile option will appear as the first option in the menu, click it and system will navigate you into the Profile module.


An empty profile or a profile with Profile strength as Beginners appears as illustrated in the below screenshot:


The Profile page on the WorkinAUS platform is structured to provide you with a user-friendly interface, facilitating easy navigation and management of your profile information. It's divided into two distinct parts, offering efficient access to various sections and tools.

Left side of the profile page offers you quick access to different sections of profile. It includes options like "Personal details," "Professional details," "What are you aiming for," and "Account settings". You can navigate between these sections seamlessly, making updates or adjustments to your profile as needed. Additionally, a profile strength indicator is often featured here, giving you an at-a-glance overview of how complete and robust your profile is. This indicator helps you understand the completeness and effectiveness of your profile in attracting potential employers/ recruiters. Let's delve into each of the four sections of the Profile module on the WorkinAUS platform:

Personal Details

This section includes fundamental information about you, such as your name, contact details (email address, phone number), location, and a profile picture. These details help recruiters and employers identify and communicate with you effectively. Additionally, personal details also include an option to add an introductory video to your profile, you explaining yourself in an interactive video. You can either upload a pre-recorded video or use the built-in tool to record and upload an introductory video.


In the "Personal Details" section of the Profile page on the WorkinAUS platform, you have the ability to manage various aspects of your personal information. By clicking the "Edit" option within the "Personal Details" section, you can access a personal information form where you can add, edit, or update these details as needed. This form typically includes input fields for each piece of personal information, allowing you to make changes easily and accurately. Whether you are updating your contact information, adding a new profile photo, or adjusting your location details, the editing process is straightforward and intuitive, ensuring that you can maintain an up-to-date and professional profile on the WorkinAUS platform.


This section includes options to add or edit details such as:

  • Profile Photo: You can upload a profile picture to personalize your profile and make it more visually appealing to potential employers/ recruiters. A professional and high-quality photo can leave a positive impression and enhance the credibility of your profile. You can upload a maximum of 2MB of profile photo.

  • First Name and Last Name: You can input your first name and last name, ensuring that your profile accurately reflects your identity. It's important for you to provide your full and correct names to maintain professionalism and authenticity on the platform.

  • Lives In: You can specify your current location, typically in the format of city or region. Providing location information helps employers/ recruiters assess whether the you are geographically suitable for potential job opportunities and allows for targeted job searches based on location preferences.

  • Phone Number: You can include your phone number, which serves as an additional means of contact for employers and recruiters interested in reaching out regarding job opportunities or interviews. It's essential for you to ensure that you provide a valid and frequently used phone number for effective communication.

    Clicking the “Save“ button will result in saving the information and closing the edit view of the personal information. Whereas clicking “Cancel“ button will not save the information and will close the edit view of the personal information. Adding personal details into your profile adds, 25% into your profile strength.

Introductory Video

In the "Personal Details" section of the Profile page on the WorkinAUS platform, you have the option to enhance your profile with an introductory video. This feature allows you to present yourself in a more dynamic and engaging manner, showcasing your personality, communication skills, and professional demeanor. You can add an introductory video by either uploading a pre-recorded video file or using the built-in tool to record and upload a video directly from the platform.


Upload an introductory video

To add an introductory video, click the "Add" option. Uploading an introductory video on the WorkinAUS platform, you are presented with the full user interface. This interface is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, guiding you through the process step by step.


Here's a breakdown of the process:

  • Selecting the Video File: You can upload a pre-recorded video file in one of the accepted formats: AVI, MKV, MOV, or WMV. The video should be no longer than 2 minutes in duration and must not exceed 400MB in size. By clicking the designated area labelled "Browse from your computer," a file browser popup appears, allowing you to navigate to the desired location on your computer where the video file is saved.

  • Uploading the File: Once you select the desired video file either by double-clicking it or selecting it and clicking the "Open" button, the system immediately begins uploading the file. It verifies that the file meets the accepted criteria regarding format, duration, and size before proceeding with the upload.

  • Previewing the Uploaded Video: After the file is successfully uploaded, a preview of the video appears on the interface. You can play the video to ensure that it is the desired introductory video you intended to upload. This preview allows you to verify the content and quality of the video before finalizing the upload process.

  • Saving or Cancelling: If you are satisfied with the uploaded video, you can click the "Save" button to save the information and add the introductory video to your profile. However, if you decide not to proceed with adding the video or wish to make changes, you can click the "Cancel" button to discard the upload.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly upload your introductory video to your profile on the WorkinAUS platform, ensuring that you can effectively showcase your personality, communication skills, and professionalism to potential employers and recruiters. This streamlined process simplifies the task of adding multimedia content to the profile, enhancing the overall user experience and maximizing the impact of the profile. Adding introductory video into your profile, adds 5% into your profile strength.

Record an introductory video

Click on the “Record A Video“ button, this will initiate the built-in video recording tool of WorkinAUS platform. Click here to read in detail about the WorkinAUS platform’s recording too.

Professional Details

In the "Professional Details" section of the profile, you have the opportunity to provide a comprehensive overview of your professional background, skills, and qualifications. This section serves as a central repository for essential information that showcases the your expertise and suitability for specific roles. This section serves as a vital tool for attracting the attention of employers/ recruiters, enabling you to effectively market yourself and secure meaningful employment opportunities in Australia. Below is the breakdown of what you can include under professional details:


The option to upload a resume on the WorkinAUS platform offers you a convenient way to ensure easy access to your professional information, regardless of your location. By uploading your resume, you can streamline the job application process and provide employers/ recruiters with a comprehensive overview of your experience, qualifications and skills. Uploading resume into your profile, adds 10% into your profile strength.


Clicking “Add Resume“ button gives you a user-friendly interface to upload your resume. You can upload your resume in one of the accepted formats: DOC, DOCX or PDF. By clicking the designated area labelled "Browse from your computer," a file browser popup appears, allowing you to navigate to the desired location on your computer where the resume file is saved. Once you select the desired resume file either by double-clicking it or selecting it and clicking the “Open“ button, system will display the file name. This allows you to verify the resume file you uploaded is the desired one and it will also enable the “Save“ button.


Clicking the “Save“ button, system displays a prompt saying “Do you want to update your profile as per new resume?“ with No and Yes buttons.  


Clicking “Yes“ button, will initiate the resume parsing mechanism of the WorkinAUS platform and will fill your profile with the information of Career history, Education and Skills, available in your resume. This is a quick way to fill in most of the information in your profile. In such case we strongly recommend you to go through the whole information that is filled in by the WorkinAUS platform’s resume parsing mechanism. It is because AI is involved to extract the information which may not be 100% accurate.

Clicking “No“ button, will only upload the resume and will display in your profile.

Personal Summary

In the "Professional Details" section of the profile, you have the opportunity to create a personal summary, which serves as a concise yet compelling introduction to your profile. This summary allows you to effectively communicate your professional background, career objectives, and areas of expertise to potential employers and recruiters. By crafting a brief yet impactful summary, you can increase your visibility, attract attention, and enhance your prospects of securing meaningful employment opportunities.


Clicking “Add Summary“ button gives you a user-friendly interface where you can write about yourself. Please note that personal summary is limited to 500 characters and the text should be impactful.


Clicking “Save“ button will initiate the information save process, in case of success, system will display a success toast message and will display the personal summary text that you just entered & saved. Clicking “Cancel“ button will discard any text that you may have entered and will close the add personal summary view. Adding personal summary into your profile, adds 10% into your profile strength.

Career History

In the "Professional Details" section of the profile, you have the opportunity to list your previous employment history, providing valuable insights into your career journey and professional experiences.

This section typically includes details such as job titles, company names, dates of employment, and descriptions of roles and responsibilities. By documenting your work history, you can showcase your career progression, demonstrating how you have evolved and grown within your field over time.

Additionally, this section offers employers/ recruiters valuable insights into your industry experience and areas of expertise, helping them to assess the your suitability for specific roles and projects. Whether you are highlighting key achievements, illustrating your skill set, or demonstrating your contributions to previous employers, the employment history section serves as a crucial component of your profile, enhancing your credibility and attractiveness to potential employers/ recruiters in the Australian job market.


To include your career history, simply click the "Add Role" button, an add role form will appear. This form contains various fields where you can input the details of your role.


The "Add Role" form offers you a structured format to input your career history information, with fields specifically designed to capture key details. You are prompted to enter information such as the job title, company name, start date, and end date of their employment.

Additionally, there's an option to indicate if you are currently employed in the organisation by selecting the "Still working here" checkbox. This feature accommodates you that you are currently employed and wish to include your ongoing role in your profile.

Moreover, there's an optional field for you to provide a description of your role, allowing you to elaborate on your responsibilities, achievements, or any other relevant details. Role description is limited to 500 characters.

Overall, the form provides a comprehensive framework for you to accurately document your career history, ensuring that your profile effectively communicates your professional experiences and qualifications to potential employers/ recruiters.

Clicking the “Save“ button will initiate the information save process, in case of success, system will display a success toast message and will display the role that you just entered and saved under Career History. Clicking “Cancel“ button will discard any information that you may have entered and will close the add role view. Adding your career history into your profile, adds 10% into your profile strength.


In the "Professional Details" section of the profile, you have the opportunity to furnish details of your educational background, encompassing degrees, diplomas, certificates, and the academic institutions you attended. This section serves as a crucial component of your profile, offering employers and recruiters valuable insights into your level of education and relevant qualifications for specific roles.

By providing comprehensive information about your educational achievements, you enable employers/ recruiters to gauge your academic credentials and suitability for various positions. Whether highlighting formal degrees or specialised certifications, you can showcase your educational prowess and demonstrate your commitment to ongoing learning and professional development.

Ultimately, this section empowers you to present a well-rounded profile that underscores your academic achievements and enhances your attractiveness to potential employers/ recruiters in the Australian job market.


To include your education, simple click the “Add Education“ button, an add education form will appear. This form contains various fields where you can input the details of your education.


The "Add Education" form within the profile offers you a structured interface to input your educational background efficiently. This form includes fields to enter essential details such as the name of the institution attended, the course or qualification pursued, and whether the qualification has been completed, indicated by a qualification complete check. In case if you are still in the process of completing your education, there's an option to specify the expected finish date, ensuring accuracy in your profile information.

Additionally, there's an optional field for you to highlight key aspects of your course. This allows you to provide additional context or showcase specific achievements relevant to your education, enriching your profile and providing employers/ recruiters with a more comprehensive understanding of your academic background.

Overall, the "Add Education" form provides you with a user-friendly platform to accurately document your educational achievements, aiding employers/ recruiters in assessing your qualifications and suitability for various roles within the Australian job market.

Clicking the “Save“ button will initiate the information save process, in case of success, system will display a success toast message and will display the education information that you just entered and saved under Education. Clicking “Cancel“  button will discard any information that you may have entered and will close the add education view. Adding your education into your profile, adds 10% into your profile strength.

Licences & Certifications

In the "Professional Details" section of the profile, you have the opportunity to showcase any professional certifications or licenses you have attained, accentuating your dedication to continual learning and advancement within your respective field.

These certifications serve as tangible evidence of your commitment to professional growth and expertise development. By highlighting your certifications, you not only validate your skills and proficiency but also bolster your credibility and suitability for specific roles.

Employers/ recruiters view such certifications as indicators of your competence and ability to excel in your chosen profession. Moreover, these certifications can differentiate you from other candidates and enhance your attractiveness to potential employers/ recruiters seeking candidates with verified expertise.

Overall, the ability to showcase professional certifications within the WorkinAUS platform underscores your commitment to excellence and reinforces your standing as a qualified and capable professional in the Australian job market.


To include your license and certifications, click the “Add License & Certifications“ button, an add license or certification form will appear. This form contains various fields where you can input the details of your license or certification.


The "Add License or Certification" form within the profile provides you with a structured framework to input details regarding your professional licenses or certifications efficiently. This form comprises fields to enter essential information, including the name of the license or certification, the issuing organisation (if applicable), the issue date, and the expiry date. You also have the option to indicate if the license or certification does not have an expiry date, such as those granted for life.

Furthermore, there's an optional field for you to provide a description of the license or certification, allowing you to elaborate on its significance or any relevant details. This comprehensive form enables you to accurately document your professional credentials, demonstrating your commitment to ongoing skill development and industry proficiency.

By showcasing your licenses and certifications information within the profile, you enhance your credibility and suitability for roles requiring specific qualifications, ultimately increasing your prospects in the Australian job market.

Clicking the “Save“ button will initiate the information save process, in case of success, system will display a success toast message and will display the license or certification information that you just entered and saved under Licenses & Certification. Clicking “Cancel“  button will discard any information that you may have entered and will close the add license or certification view. Adding your license & certification into your profile, adds 10% into your profile strength.


Within the profile, you have the ability to catalogue a spectrum of skills, encompassing both technical proficiencies and soft skills pertinent to your profession. This section serves as a comprehensive repository of the your capabilities and strengths, providing employers/ recruiters with valuable insights into your skill set.

By listing technical skills, you highlight your expertise in specific tools, technologies, or methodologies relevant to your field. Concurrently, soft skills such as communication, leadership, and problem-solving demonstrate your interpersonal abilities and adaptability.

Together, these competencies furnish employers/ recruiters with a holistic understanding of your professional aptitude, facilitating the alignment of your skills with suitable job opportunities.

By showcasing your diverse skill set, you enhance your visibility and attractiveness to potential employers/ recruiters, positioning yourself as well-rounded candidates poised for success in the Australian job market.


To add your skills, click the “Add Skills“ button, an add skills form will appear. This form contains a dropdown list of skills from which you can select your relevant skills.


The "Add Skills" form within the profile offers you a streamlined method to input your skills efficiently. Upon accessing this form, you encounter a dropdown list containing a variety of skills relevant to your profession. From this list, you can select the skills that best represent your expertise and proficiency.

Upon selection, the chosen skills are automatically displayed under the "Added skills" section, providing you with a visual confirmation of your selections. This intuitive process allows you to swiftly navigate through the available skills and add them to your profile with ease.

By leveraging this form, you can effectively showcase your skill set, demonstrating your competencies to potential employers/ recruiters. This feature enhances your profile, enriching it with pertinent information that strengthens your candidacy for relevant job opportunities within the Australian job market.

Clicking the “Save“ button will initiate the information save process, in case of success, system will display a success toast message and will display the added skills and saved under Skills. Clicking “Cancel“  button will discard any information that you may have entered and will close the add skills view. Adding your skills into your profile, adds 10% into your profile strength.


Within the profile, you have the opportunity to specify your proficiency in various languages, a feature particularly beneficial for roles necessitating multilingual communication or international collaboration.

By indicating your linguistic capabilities, you provide employers/ recruiters with valuable insights into your ability to engage effectively across diverse linguistic contexts. Proficiency in multiple languages not only demonstrates your linguistic aptitude but also signifies your cultural awareness and adaptability.

This information enriches your profile, underscoring your suitability for roles that demand cross-cultural communication and interaction. Whether facilitating global business operations or serving diverse clientele, proficiency in multiple languages enhances your versatility and attractiveness to potential employers.

By showcasing your language skills within the profile, you augment your candidacy for a broad spectrum of roles, positioning yourself as valuable assets within the dynamic landscape of the Australian job market.


To add languages, click the “Add Language“ button, an add languages form will appears. This form contains a dropdown list of languages from which you can select your desired languages.


The "Add Languages" form in the profile streamlines the process for you to indicate your proficiency in different languages. Upon accessing this form, you encounter a dropdown list featuring various languages.

By selecting the desired language from this list, you can efficiently indicate your proficiency level. Once a language is chosen, it is automatically displayed under the "Added Languages" section, providing you with a clear overview of your language skills.

This intuitive process enables you to seamlessly navigate through the available languages and add them to your profile with ease. By leveraging this feature, you can effectively communicate your linguistic abilities to potential employers/ recruiters. This functionality enriches your profile, offering valuable information that enhances your suitability for roles requiring multilingual communication or international collaboration within the Australian job market.

Clicking the “Save“ button will initiate the information save process, in case of success, system will display a success toast message and will display the languages that you just selected and saved under Languages. Clicking “Cancel“ button will discard any information that you may have entered and will close the add languages view. Adding languages into your profile, adds 5% into your profile strength.

What you are aiming for?

In the profile, the "What are you aiming for" section empowers you to articulate your career objectives, preferences, and aspirations. In this section of the profile, you are provided with a comprehensive set of parameters to tailor your future job preferences and allow WorkinAUS platform to recommend you job ads. These parameters encompass various critical aspects, starting with your availability, allowing you to denote your readiness for employment.

You can then specify your preferred work type, whether it's full-time, part-time, or contract, aligning your job search with your desired employment arrangements. Additionally, you can articulate your salary expectations, providing clarity to potential employers/ recruiters regarding your compensation requirements.

Crucially, you can indicate your legal right to work in Australia, ensuring compliance with employment regulations. You can also specify your current location and the preferred location for your future job, streamlining the search process for both employers/ recruiters.

Furthermore, you can detail your passport country and any other countries where you hold work rights, enabling employers/ recruiters to consider international opportunities if applicable. This comprehensive approach empowers you to refine your job search and WorkinAUS job recommendation engine works effectively and increases the likelihood of finding & recommending suitable employment opportunities within the Australian job market. Adding complete information into what you are aiming for, adds 5% into your profile strength.


Let’s have a closer look at all the options that are available to you under What you are aiming for?


You have the opportunity to specify your availability, indicating how soon you would be able to commence employment if hired for a job opportunity. By setting your availability, you provide valuable information to potential employers/ recruiters, offering insight into your readiness to join the workforce.

This parameter is particularly crucial for employers/ recruiters seeking candidates to fill immediate or time-sensitive positions. You can choose from various options to denote your availability, ranging from immediate (Now) availability to specific notice periods (i.e. 2, 4, 8 & 12 Weeks) based on your current employment circumstances.

Ultimately, by setting your availability, you enhance your visibility to employers/ recruiters and increase your chances of securing relevant job opportunities within the Australian job market.


To set your availability, click the “Edit“ icon available next to the option. Multiple options will appear with radio button, select any of the availability period that suits you best. Clicking “Save“ button will initiate information save process, a success toast message will be displayed. Availability edit view will close and your selected option will be displayed under the Availability option. Clicking “Cancel“ button will discard any selection that you may have made and will close the availability edit view.

Preferred work types

You are presented with the opportunity to select your preferred work types from a list of available options. This feature allows you to tailor your recommended jobs according to your desired employment arrangements, ensuring alignment with your professional preferences and lifestyle needs.

You can choose from various work types, including full-time, part-time, contract and casual arrangements. By selecting your preferred work types, you provide valuable guidance to employers/ recruiters, indicating the type of employment that best suits your circumstances and career aspirations.

This feature facilitates more targeted job matching, enabling you to explore opportunities that align with your preferred work arrangements. Whether seeking stability and consistency in a full-time role or flexibility in a part-time or casual position, you can effectively communicate your preferences through this feature, enhancing your chances of finding suitable employment opportunities within the Australian job market.


To set your preferred work types, click the “Edit“ icon available next to the option. Multiple work types will appears with check boxes to select either any or all types of available work types as your preferred work type. Clicking “Save“ button will initiate the information save process, a success toast message will be displayed and preferred work types edit view will close. Upon successfully saving the information, your selected preferred work types will appears under the Preferred work types. Clicking “Cancel“ button will discard any selection that you may have made and will close the preferred work types edit view.

Salary expectation AUD

You are prompted to specify your next expected salary and the corresponding salary type from a dropdown list of available options. This feature enables you to articulate your salary expectations clearly, providing valuable information to potential employers/ recruiters during the job application process.

You can input your desired salary amount and select the appropriate salary type, such as annual, monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly, based on your preference and industry norms.

By specifying your expected salary, you help employers/ recruiters understand your financial requirements and negotiate compensation packages that align with your expectations. This feature facilitates transparent communication regarding salary considerations, ensuring that both parties are on the same page regarding compensation expectations from the outset.

Ultimately, by providing this information, you enhance the efficiency of the job recommendation process and increase the likelihood of finding suitable employment opportunities with competitive compensation within the Australian job market.


To set your expected salary, click the “Edit“ icon available next to the option. You will be presented with an input box to enter salary amount in Australian Dollar and a salary type dropdown list to select from the available list i.e. Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Annual. Specify your expected salary and select the desired salary type. Clicking “Save“ button, will initiate the information save process, in case of success, system will display a success toast message and will close the salary expectation AUS edit view. System will display the specified salary & selected salary type under Salary expectation AUD. Clicking “Cancel“ button will discard any information or selection that you may have made and will close the salary expectation AUD edit view.

Right to work in Australia

You are presented with the option to select your right to work in Australia from a dropdown list featuring available work rights options. It is crucial for you to accurately select the right work right that corresponds to your current legal status, as this information serves as a pivotal factor for employers and recruiters when evaluating candidates for job opportunities.

By choosing the correct work right, you provide transparent and reliable information to potential employers/ recruiters, facilitating a smoother and more efficient recruitment process. This ensures that you are considered for job opportunities for which you are eligible, aligning with your legal right to work in Australia.

Accurately selecting the appropriate work right from the dropdown list helps you to present yourself as qualified and compliant candidates, ultimately increasing your chances of securing relevant job opportunities within the Australian job market.


To select your right to work in Australia, click “Edit“ icon available next to the option. You will be presented with a dropdown list of all types of work right in Australia. Select the one which suits you and must be an accurate one. Clicking the “Save“ button, will initiate the information save process, in case of success, system will display a success toast message and will close the right to work in Australia edit view. System will display the selected work right under Right to work in Australia. Clicking “Cancel“ button will discard any selection that you may have made and will close the right to work in Australia edit view.

What country are you currently located in?

You are presented with the dropdown list of countries to select the correct country where you are currently located. It is essential for you to accurately choose the country of your current location, as this information plays a crucial role in facilitating effective job matching and recruitment processes.

By selecting the correct country, you provide employers/ recruiters with accurate information about your current geographic location, enabling them to assess the your proximity to potential job opportunities and consider logistical factors such as relocation or remote work arrangements.


To select the country in which you are currently location, click the “Edit“ icon available next to the option. You will be presented with a dropdown list of all the countries. Select the one in which you currently reside. Clicking the “Save“ button, will initiate the information save process, in case of success, system will display a success toast message and will close the what country are you located in edit view. System will display the selected country under What country are you currently located in. Clicking “Cancel“ button will discard any selection that you may have made and will close the what country are you currently located in edit view.

Preferred work location detail

You have the opportunity to specify your preferred work location for your next job. You can enter your preferred work location by providing details such as suburb, postcode, or city. This feature allows you to customize your job recommendation process according to your geographic preferences, ensuring that you are matched with opportunities in locations that suit your needs and circumstances.

By specifying your preferred work location, you can indicate whether you prefer to work close to home, in a specific city, or within a particular region. This information enables employers/ recruiters to identify job opportunities that align with your geographic preferences, facilitating more targeted and relevant job recommendations.

Ultimately, by specifying your preferred work location, you enhance your ability to find job opportunities that offer convenience, accessibility, and alignment with your lifestyle preferences within the Australian job market.


To enter your preferred work location, click the “Edit“ icon available next to the option. You will be presented with an input box. You can enter the location by specifying the suburb, postcode or city and system will bring the search results according to your input in which you can select your desired work location. Clicking the “Save“ button, will initiate the information save process, in case of success, system will display a success toast message and will close the preferred work location detail edit view. System will display your specified work location under Preferred work location detail. Clicking “Cancel“ button will discard any input that you may have entered and will close the preferred work location detail edit view.

Passport Country

You are presented with the dropdown list of countreis to select the exact origin country of your passport. This step is crucial for providing accurate information about the your citizenship or nationality status, which can have implications for legal and administrative processes related to employment.

By selecting the correct origin country of your passport, you help ensure that your profile reflects your citizenship accurately, which is essential for verifying your identity and eligibility to work in Australia.

Additionally, this information assists employers/ recruiters in understanding your background and may be relevant for roles that require specific language skills, cultural knowledge, or international experience. By accurately specifying the origin country of your passport, you contribute to a more effective and efficient recruitment process, increasing your chances of finding suitable job opportunities within the Australian job market.


To select the origin country of your passport, click the “Edit“ icon available next to the option. You will be presented with a dropdown list of all the countries. Select the country from where your passport is originated. Clicking the “Save“ button, will initiate the information save process, in case of success, system will display a success toast message and will close the passport country edit view. System will display the selected country under Passport country. Clicking “Cancel“ button will discard any selection that you may have made and will close the passport country edit view.

Other countries you have work rights for?

You are presented with a dropdown list of countries to select any other country or countries for which you hold work rights or citizenship. This feature allows you to provide comprehensive information about your legal eligibility to work in different countries, beyond your country of origin.

By selecting the appropriate country(ies) where you have work rights, you ensure that your profile accurately reflects your global mobility and potential for international employment opportunities. This information is valuable for employers/ recruiters who may be considering candidates for roles that involve cross-border collaboration, international assignments, or relocation.

By specifying your work rights in multiple countries, you enhance your profile's relevance and attractiveness to employers/ recruiters seeking candidates with diverse geographic backgrounds and global perspectives within the Australian job market.


Account Settings

In the "Account Settings" section of the profile, you have access to manage your account settings, offering you control over various aspects of your user experience. Here, you can adjust your notification preferences, tailoring the platform's communication to suit your needs and preferences.

You can also manage your login credentials, ensuring the security and integrity of your account. Additionally, you have the option to change your registered email address, providing flexibility in how you access and interact with the platform.

Importantly, you are also given the ability to delete your account if desired, offering a straightforward mechanism for account management and closure.

This comprehensive suite of account settings empowers you to customize your experience on the platform, maintain security and privacy, and make informed decisions about your ongoing engagement with the WorkinAUS platform.


Below is the breakdown of account settings and are discussed in detail:


In this section of the profile on the WorkinAUS platform, you have the capability to customize your notification settings according to your preferences and requirements. You can configure both email and push notifications, tailoring the platform's alerts to suit your individual needs.

This flexibility in notification settings allows users to stay informed and engaged with the platform in a way that best fits their workflow and communication preferences, enhancing their overall user experience on the WorkinAUS platform.


To activate notifications click the down arrow that is available for the notification, doing so will display notification settings. You should first decide which type of notification you wish to set up—Email, Push notification, or both. This choice can be made by toggling the corresponding switch to the "on" position. Once the toggle for the desired notification type is enabled, it will activate the checkboxes for each specific notification category. These checkboxes allow you to customize your notification preferences further, ensuring you receive alerts tailored to your preferences and requirements.

By enabling these toggles and checkboxes, you can effectively manage your notification settings and stay informed about relevant notifications on the platform. Clicking the “Save“ button, will save your notification settings and a success toast message will be displayed. Clicking “Cancel“ button will discard any selection that you may have made and will close the notification settings.

Change Password

In this section of the profile on the WorkinAUS platform, you have the ability to reset or change your job seeker account password. This functionality offers you a straightforward process to enhance the security of your account.

By initiating the password reset or change procedure, you can follow guided steps to verify your identity and set a new password. This process typically involves providing authentication details such as an OTP that is sent to your job seeker account email address to ensure the security of the account.

This feature underscores the platform's commitment to your privacy and security, providing you with the tools necessary to safeguard your personal information and maintain secure access to your WorkinAUS job seeker account.


To change your account password, click the down arrow available for the for change password. This will result in the display of change password form. Please follow the below steps:

  • Enter your current password of your account into the input box for which the title is “Current Password“.

  • Enter your new or desired password in both input boxes for which the title is “New Password“ and “Confirm New Password“.

  • Click the eye icon available in each of the input box to hide/ unhide the passwords.

  • Click “Save“ button. This will result in generating an authentication email having an OTP sent to your registered email address.

  • You will also see a popup to enter that one time password to authenticate yourself. Enter the OTP in the respective field and click “Verify“ button.

  • If your OTP is verified, system will reset your password to your new password and will log you out so that you can login again with your new password.

Change Email

In this section of the profile on the WorkinAUS platform, you have the flexibility to change or shift your job seeker's account email to another email address of your choosing. This functionality provides you with the opportunity to update your contact information and ensure that communications from the platform are directed to the preferred email address.

The process typically involves accessing the account settings in the profile, where you can navigate to the email settings and initiate the change. You would be required to verify your identity by keying in the OTP sent to your email address.

This feature reflects the platform's commitment to your convenience and satisfaction, allowing you to manage your account information efficiently and stay connected with relevant opportunities within the WorkinAUS platform.


To change your job seeker’s account email, click the down arrow available for the for change email address. This will result in the display of change email address form. Please follow the below steps:

  • Your current email address will be displayed in the input box for which the title is “Current Email Address“.

  • Specify your new email address in the input box for which the title is “New Email Address“. Please make sure that your new email address if not registered with WorkinAUS as a job seeker.

  • Click “Save“ button. This will result in generating an authentication email having an OTP sent to your current email address.


  • You will also see a popup to enter that one time password to authenticate yourself. Enter the OTP in the respective field and click “Verify“ button.

  • If your OTP is verified, system will reset your email address to your new email address and will log you out so that you can login again with your new email.


  • In case you haven’t received the one time password email, click “Resend OTP“, this will result in generating another OTP email over your current email address.

  • Please inspect your email SPAM folder, as it's possible that your email service provider has flagged the verification code sent by the WorkinAUS platform as spam. If you locate the verification code email in the spam folder, kindly mark it as "Not spam." This action will help ensure that WorkinAUS emails are delivered to your Inbox.

Delete Account

If you no longer wish to maintain your job seeker account on the WorkinAUS platform, you have the option to request the deletion of your account. This process allows you to permanently remove your account and associated information from the platform's system.

By initiating an account deletion request, you can ensure that your personal data, job preferences, and other information are erased from the platform's databases. This request typically involves accessing account settings to submit a deletion request.

Upon receiving the request, the platform's administrators will proceed to securely delete your account and associated data in compliance with relevant privacy regulations. This feature reflects the platform's commitment to your privacy and data protection, offering you control over your personal information and the ability to discontinue your engagement with the WorkinAUS platform as desired.


To delete your job seeker’s account, click the down arrow available for the for delete account. This will result in the display of delete account button. Please follow the below steps:

  • Click the “Delete Account“ button. This will result in display of delete account popup informing you that your personal information will be retained for the next 30 days and your job applications will not be presented to employers/ recruiters. You can restore your account if you login with in the next 30 days with Delete and Cancel buttons.

  • Click “Delete“ button, system will display a success toast message and will log you out of your job seeker account.

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