Record a video
  • 17 Apr 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Record a video

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Article summary

Record a video

In this article, you will discover an exclusive feature offered by the WorkinAUS platform: a built-in video capturing tool designed specifically for job seekers. What sets this tool apart is its versatility, offering you the ability to record and upload both introductory videos within your profile's Personal Details section and video cover letters directly alongside job applications while applying a job.

Within the profile section of the WorkinAUS platform, you as a job seeker have the capability to enhance your profile by recording and uploading an introductory video. This feature, situated under the Personal Details section, enables you to present yourself in a more dynamic and engaging manner, allowing employers/ recruiters to gain a deeper insight into your personality, communication skills, and professionalism.

Moreover, you as a job seeker can leverage this functionality to stand out from the competition by submitting a video cover letter along with your job applications. By including a video cover letter, you can effectively convey your enthusiasm for the role, highlight your key qualifications, and make a memorable impression on hiring managers.

This innovative feature not only offers job seekers a unique opportunity to showcase their personality and skills but also provides recruiters with a more comprehensive understanding of candidates beyond traditional written documents.

Let’s discuss this feature of WorkinAUS in detail and learn how you can record & upload an introductory video or a video cover letter.

This feature is accessible within the Profile section under Personal Details, labelled as "Introductory Video". Click the "Add" option to include the introductory video, where you will find a button titled "Record A Video," as shown in the screenshot below:



This feature can be located under "Add video cover letter" during the initial step of applying for a job. You will encounter a button labelled "Record A Video," as demonstrated in the screenshot below:


By clicking the "Record A Video" button, the video recording window of the WorkinAUS platform's tool opens, as depicted in the screenshot below:


Let’s talk about the elements that are available to us over the video window user interface:

  • At the top right corner, “Cross“ button is available. Click it to close the video window.

  • “Recording” button is available in the middle of the video window. Clicking it will start recording.

  • You can change the orientation of the video by clicking the “Camera“ icon available next to the recording button.

  • At the bottom of the video window, we have small toolbar and is explained below:

    • “Teleprompter“ toggle button is available in the left bottom of the toolbar. Turn on the toggle to enable the teleprompter functionality of the video recording tool.

    • To adjust the size of the text, use “-“ or “+“ button for which the label is “Text Size“ available next to the teleprompter toggle in the toolbar.

    • To adjust the scrolling speed of the text , use “-“ or “+“ button for which the label is “Speed”, available next to the text size in the toolbar.

    • In the last, Play, Pause and Edit Teleprompter buttons are provided in the toolbar.

      • Click “Play“ button to make the text start scrolling.

      • Click “Pause“ button to make the text scrolling stop.

      • Click “Edit Teleprompter“ button to open the teleprompter script window in case text needs correction or update.

How to add text to the teleprompter and why

Teleprompter is commonly used in television industry as it allows the presenters to read their lines while maintaining eye contact with the camera. It is most commonly used in the newsrooms by the news anchors who are reading the news. So WorkinAUS applied the same concept here, you can also use the same functionality while recording your introductory video or a video cover letter.

To use this functionality, turn on the “Teleprompter” toggle, this will result in display of Teleprompter Script window. Here you can either write your own text or can upload text that you have already written. Please note that only Text document is allowed to upload the text.


Once you are done with the text writing or uploading and formatting, click “Save“ button. This will result in a text overlay over the video window for which you can adjust the size of the text, scrolling speed of the text, play or pause the text scrolling. Now the video window will look like as illustrated in the below screenshot:


Record & Preview recorded video

Once you are all set with the teleprompter text, size and scroll speed, click the “Record“ button. A counter of three seconds will appear over the video window and recording will start. Record button will change its state to Stop button and a recording timer of 2 minutes will appear below the camera orientation icon.

You can stop the recording anytime you want before the 2 minute recording timer finishes, otherwise, recording will automatically stop after two minutes. Once the recording is done, the video window will shift its state to a video player and will start playing your recorded video automatically. This is to preview your recorded video.

If you are not satisfied with the recording click the “Record again“ button and video player will shift back to the video window where you can record your video again. But if you are satisfied with your recording, then click the “Save & Upload“ button. Doing so will save your recorded video in your device in MP4 format. This will also close the video recording tool of the WorkinAUS and start uploading your recorded video to WorkinAUS server.

While you are previewing your recorded video, you can remove the teleprompter text overlay just by turning off the teleprompter toggle.

In case of Introductory Video, once the uploading is done, video preview of the video will appear with playback options. Here you can play the uploaded video again.


Clicking the “Save“ button will save the information and add the introductory video to your profile. You can discard the complete process just by clicking the “Cancel“ button.


In case of Video Cover Letter, system will save the recorded video as soon as the upload completes. Here too you can playback the uploaded video using the available video controls. To discard the process, simply click the cross icon available at the end of the uploading indicator.


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