  • 07 May 2024
  • 9 Minutes to read
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Article summary


The Sections module within the WorkinAUS platform allows you to organize your job ads into different categories, making it easier for job seekers to navigate and find relevant opportunities. This article provides comprehensive guidance on how to utilize the Sections feature effectively. Here's a detailed breakdown:

Accessing the Sections Page: To begin, navigate to the Sections page by expanding the Enterprise Job Board menu option in the left menu of the WorkinAUS platform. Once accessed, you'll see all the sections you've created displayed in a grid format.

Adding Sections: Within the Sections page, you have the option to add new sections to further categorize your job ads. This step involves naming each section and associating a default section image to enhance visual appeal.

Default Section Images: When creating a new section, you can upload an image that represents the category of job ads it will contain. This default section image will be displayed over the job ad cards within that section on your EJB homepage.

Associating Job Ads: After creating sections, you can associate specific job ads with each section. By linking job ads to relevant sections, you ensure that they appear under the appropriate category on your EJB homepage.

Enhancing User Experience: Organizing job ads into sections improves the overall user experience by providing a structured layout for browsing. Job seekers can easily navigate through different sections to find job opportunities that match their interests and qualifications.

Visual Appeal: The default section images add visual appeal to your EJB homepage, making it more engaging for job seekers. These images serve as visual cues that help job seekers quickly identify the types of job ads available within each section.

By effectively utilizing the Sections module of the WorkinAUS platform, you can create a well-organized and visually appealing enterprise job board that enhances the recruitment experience for both employers and job seekers.

You can access the Sections page by expanding the Enterprise Job Board menu option available in the left menu where all the added sections are displayed in a grid format. Let’s discuss the sections module of the EJB in detail:


The sections grid presents the following details and features for each section:

  • Search Section

    At the top of the sections grid, a search feature is available. You can search for a section by entering its title. The system will then search for the section that matches the entered keywords.

  • Advance Filter

    You can search for the section from the list of added sections by applying advance filter or a combination of the filters. Each of these filters are briefly described below:

    • Section Visibility

      Select any of the section visibility option from the available list and system will search for the section(s) that matches the selected section visbility. The "All" option is selected by default.

    • Date Range

      Choosing a specific date range will prompt the system to search for sections that were added within the specified date range.

    • Clear

      Clicking the clear button clears all the filters and setting the filters to default.

    • Filter

      Clicking the filter button prompts the system to search for the section(s) as per the advance filter(s) set by you.

  • Reorder Sections

    Reordering sections within your Enterprise Job Board (EJB) allows you to customize the visual presentation and prioritize specific content according to your preferences. To rearrange sections, simply locate the drag handle positioned before the title of each section. This handle typically appears as small dots that can be clicked and held using your mouse cursor.

    Once you have clicked and held the drag handle, you can then drag the section up or down within the list to adjust its position. As you move the section, you'll notice a visual indicator showing its new placement relative to other sections. This real-time feedback helps you accurately position the section within the desired order.

  • Section Title

    This column displays the thumbnail of the assocciated default section image and title of the section that was given when added. It provides you with a quick visual reference to identify and manage your sections effectively.

  • Jobs

    This column displays the total number of associated job ads with a section.

  • Created On

    This column displays the date when the section was added.

  • Visibility

    Visibility toggle gives you the information whether the section is visible over your EJB’s home page or not. Visibility toggle on means that the section is visible to job seekers over your EJB’s home page. Please note that sections with zero (0) job ads associated will not appear over your EJB home page eventhough the section’s visibility toggle is set to on.

  • Actions

    This column displays three dots provides a menu of options for managing sections within the Sections grid. Here's a breakdown of each option:

    • Add Jobs

      Clicking on this option allows you to add job ads to the selected section. Upon selecting "Add Jobs," you'll be directed to the section detail page where you can associate specific job ads with the section. This functionality enables you to organize job ads under relevant categories, ensuring that they appear in the appropriate section on your Enterprise Job Board (EJB) homepage.

    • Edit

      Selecting the "Edit" option opens a popup window where you can make modifications to the section's details. This includes updating the section name, default section image, or set the visibility toggle on or off. Editing sections allows you to refine and customize their appearance and categorization as needed.

    • Delete

      Clicking on "Delete" prompts a confirmation dialog to ensure you want to proceed with deleting the selected section. If confirmed, the section will be permanently removed from your Sections grid. Deleting sections should be done with caution as it will also remove any associated job ads and potentially impact the organization of your Enterprise Job Board. You can delete multiple sections by selecting the check boxes that are available for each section in the sections grid. A Delete Selected button appears at the top right corner of the section grid when you select single or multiple banners. Clicking the delete selected button permanently deletes the sections.

      These options provide flexibility and control over the management of sections within your Enterprise Job Board, allowing you to tailor the categorization of job ads to best suit your recruitment needs.

Add Section

Clicking the Add Section button, opens Add Section popup where you can either upload the desired image or select from the gallery. To upload the image, click the Add Media button, it opens a designated drop zone where you have the option to upload image by either selecting image file from your device or simply dragging & dropping it into the specified area. It's advised to use an image with a recommended resolution of 460 × 230 pixels for optimal display.

After uploading the image file, it will be displayed in the media gallery. To proceed, select the uploaded image to preview it in the designated preview window. This step allows you to ensure that the media content appears as intended and meets your expectations.

Once you have finalized the default section image and is satisfied with how it looks in the preview window, you can proceed to enter the section title. This title serves as a descriptive label for the section, providing context or information about the content it represents.

Additionally, you will have the option to set the visibility of the section according to your specific requirements to be displayed on your EJB home page.

Click Save button, this action will initiate the process of section addition process. The added section will then appear over the sections grid which you can rearrange as per your requirement.


Associate Job Ads

To associate job ads with the section, you'll need to navigate to the section detail page. You can access this page by either clicking on the Section Title or Job count from the sections grid, or by selecting the "Add Jobs" option from the actions menu for the desired the section.

Once you're on the section detail page, you'll see the associated job ads displayed in a grid format. This grid allows you to view the job ads already linked to the section and provides options to associate additional job ads with the section. Here's an overview of the associated job ads grid:


The associated job ads grid presents the following details and features for each job ad:

  • Search Job Ad

    At the top of the associated job ads grid, a search feature is available. You can search for a job ad by entering its title. The system will then search for the job ad that match the entered keywords.

  • Job Ad Status

    You can search for the job ads on the basis of the status of the job ads. Select any of the job ad status option from the available list and system will search for the job ad(s) that matches the selected status. The "All" option is selected by default.

    • Clear

      Clicking the clear button clears all the filters and setting the filters to default.

    • Filter

      Clicking the filter button prompts the system to search for the job ad(s) as per the filter set by you.

  • Job Title

    This column displays the title of the job ad along with the category & subcategory information of the associated job ad.

  • Date Published

    This column displays the publish date of the associated job ad.

  • Status

    This column displays the job ad status, whether the job ad status is Draft, Unpublished, or Expired. In case of published job ad, remaining days of the job ad lifecycle will be displayed.

  • Background

    This column displays the job ad image associated with the job ad.

  • Actions

    This column displays three dots, however clicking it displays the option to Delete Association of the job ad from the section.

Clicking the Associate Jobs button available at the top right corner of the associated job ads grid, opens a “Associate Jobs“ pop. Here all the Published job ads will be listed along with Job Search input box. You can either select the job ads from the listing or search for the specific job ads and select them to associate with the section. Please note that system will only pull your published job ads and will not pull the job ads with the statuses of Draft, Unpublish and Expired.


Once you are done with the selection of job ads that you want to associate with the section, click Associate Selected button. This action will associate the job ads with the section and display in the associated job ads grid.

You can associate a image with the job ad separately by clocking the Add Image button available under the Background column of the associated job ad. This action will open Add Job Image popup where you can either upload a desired image or select from the gallery to associate with the job ad.

Please note that if you do not associate any job ad image, then the default image would appear over the job ad when it will be displayed over your EJB’s home page.

If you want to change the job ad associated image, just click over the image that is already associated with the job ad. This action will open Add Job Image popup where you can either select the desired image from the gallery or upload it.

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