Third Party Integration
  • 21 Feb 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Third Party Integration

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Third Party Integration

Third-party integrations in the context of WorkinAUS involve the seamless incorporation of external job boards with the WorkinAUS platform. This integration enables you to synchronize job advertisements posted on third-party platforms with the WorkinAUS platform effortlessly. The primary objective of this integration is to ensure that job postings made on external job boards are automatically mirrored on the WorkinAUS platform and other partner sites, providing you with a centralized hub for managing your recruitment efforts.

By integrating third-party job boards with WorkinAUS, you can benefit from several advantages:

Streamlined Workflow: Integration eliminates the need for manual reposting of job advertisements across WorkinAUS and Partner platforms. Instead, job postings made on external job boards are automatically imported into the WorkinAUS platform, streamlining the recruitment process and saving valuable time and effort.

Increased Visibility: Posting job ads on multiple platforms enhances the visibility of job vacancies and expands the reach to a broader audience of potential candidates. Integration with third-party job boards extends the reach of job postings beyond the WorkinAUS platform, maximizing exposure and attracting a diverse pool of applicants.

Centralized Management: With integrated third-party job boards, you can manage all your job postings from a single interface within the WorkinAUS platform. This centralized management approach simplifies the monitoring, tracking, and updating of job advertisements across various platforms, leading to greater efficiency and consistency in recruitment activities.

Enhanced Recruitment Strategy: Integration with third-party job boards allows you to diversify your recruitment strategy by leveraging the unique features and audiences of different platforms. By tapping into the strengths of multiple job boards, you can tailor your recruitment efforts to target specific demographics, industries, or geographic locations more effectively.

Overall, third-party integrations play a vital role in optimizing the recruitment process by seamlessly connecting external job boards with the WorkinAUS platform, enabling you to expand your reach, streamline workflow, and enhance your recruitment strategy.

WorkinAUS platform supports the integration to three third party job boards and these are JobAdder, Broadbean and Idibu. Let’s discuss in detail about how can you integrate your third party job boards with WorkinAUS.


JobAdder is multiposter and an applicating software that helps you post a job ad from JobAdder directly to WorkinAUS and receive WorkinAUS applications into your JobAdder account. Follow below steps to integrate your JobAdder account with WorkinAUS:

  • Firstly, you must already have a JobAdder account.

  • Register your company on WorkinAUS and choose an appropriate package, pay as you go, or subscription.

  • Remember if you select a free trial, you will only be able to post one ad through your applicant tracking system before you will need to upgrade to a paid option.

  • Request JobAdder to setup WorkinAUS job board in your account and obtain your JobAdder account Reference ID.

  • In your WorkinAUS account, under Settings - Third Party integrations, key in your JobAdder account Reference ID and fetch boards.

  • Select your desired board to connect with this account and click Save button to save the information.

  • If you need to modify your WorkinAUS account such as updating details, or subscription level, you will need to do so directly in the WorkinAUS platform, not through JobAdder.

  • Now you can multipost from your JobAdder account to WorkinAUS.


Broadbean is a multiposter that helps you post an ad from Broadbean or your applicant tracking system (ATS) directly to WorkinAUS and receive WorkinAUS applications into your Broadbean account or directly into your applicant tracking system. Follow below steps to integrate your Broadbean account with WorkinAUS.

  • Firstly, you must already have a Broadbean account for WorkinAUS to be visible in your applicant tracking system when you go to post a job.

  • In addition, your Broadbean account, once setup, must be connected to your applicant tracking system.

  • Register your company on WorkinAUS and choose an appropriate package, pay as you go, or subscription.

  • Remember if you select a free trial, you will only be able to post one ad through your applicant tracking system before you will need to upgrade to a paid option.

  • In your WorkinAUS account, under Settings - Third Party integrations, you will need to copy the key number which you can do by clicking ‘show’ and ‘copy’.

  • In your Broadbean account, input the key number and WorkinAUS account email address to link your Broadbean account to your WorkinAUS account.

  • If you need to modify your WorkinAUS account such as updating details, or subscription level, you will need to do so directly in the WorkinAUS platform, not through your applicant tracking system.

  • Now you can multipost from your applicant tracking system to WorkinAUS.


Idibu is a multiposter that helps you post an ad from your applicant tracking system (ATS) directly to WorkinAUS and receive WorkinAUS applications directly into your applicant tracking system. Follow below steps to inegrte your Idibu account with WorkinAUS:

  • Firstly, you must already have an Idibu account for WorkinAUS to be visible in your applicant tracking system when you go to post a job.

  • In addition, your Idibu account, once setup, must be connected to your applicant tracking system.

  • Register your company on WorkinAUS and choose an appropriate package, pay as you go, or subscription.

  • Remember if you select a free trial, you will only be able to post one ad through your applicant tracking system before you will need to upgrade to a paid option.

  • In your WorkinAUS account, under Settings - Third Party integrations, you will need to copy the key number which you can do by clicking ‘show’ and ‘copy’.

  • Supply the key number and WorkinAUS account email address to your Idibu account manager so they can link your Idibu account to your WorkinAUS account.

  • If you need to modify your WorkinAUS account such as updating details, or subscription level, you will need to do so directly in the WorkinAUS platform, not through your applicant tracking system.

  • Now you can multipost from your applicant tracking system to WorkinAUS.

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