User Roles
  • 07 May 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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User Roles

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Article summary

User Roles

This article provides in-depth knowledge of your WorkinAUS account management. This module of your account could only be accessed by you as being the Super Administrator, if you are operating/ accessing your WorkinAUS account with the email address with which the account has been registered, or a user with permissions to access the user roles. Within the user role module, you can add, edit, and delete user roles. User roles define different levels of access and permissions within the WorkinAUS platform. When managing user roles within the WorkinAUS platform, you have the flexibility to create custom roles tailored to specific organizational needs. These custom roles can be assigned unique names reflecting the responsibilities and access levels associated with each role.

When creating a new user role, you have the ability to select and enable specific permissions from a predefined list. These permissions encompass various actions and capabilities within the platform, such as creating or editing job postings, managing applicant profiles, accessing financial data, and modifying company settings, among others.

It's essential to note that user roles dictate the level of access and permissions granted to individual users within the WorkinAUS platform. By assigning appropriate roles to users, you can ensure that each user has access to the necessary tools and features required to perform their job responsibilities effectively while maintaining security and data integrity within the system.

You can access the User Roles page by expanding the Manage option available in the left menu by clicking the User Roles option.

Let’s discuss the User Roles page in detail:


  • Search User Role

    At the top of the User Roles grid, a search feature is available. You can search for a specific user role by entering its name. The system will then search for the user role that matches the entered keywords.

  • User Role

    The column displaying user roles showcases the names of the roles that have been created either by the administrator or automatically generated by the system. One key user role often included is the "Administrator," which is typically a default role established by the system. This role comes with predefined permissions, offering slightly fewer privileges compared to the "Super Administrator" role.

  • Rights

    This column displays permission counts illustrates the number of permissions that are enabled within a user role when it is created. Each user role within the WorkinAUS platform is associated with a set of permissions that define the actions and functionalities accessible to users assigned to that user role.

  • Created On

    The column displaying the creation date of user roles indicates the specific date when each user role was initially created within the WorkinAUS platform. This date provides you with valuable information regarding the timeline of role creation and organizational changes within the system.

  • Actions

    The column displaying three dots represents a menu for each user role within the WorkinAUS platform. When you interact with these dots, you are presented with options to either edit or delete the corresponding user role.

Add User Role

The "Add User Role" button is positioned at the top right corner of the User Roles page. Clicking the "Add User Role" button, it triggers the opening of the "Role & Rights Manager" popup. This popup interface is designed to configure the new user role. Within the popup, you are prompted to input the name of the role.

Additionally, the "Role & Rights Manager" popup presents you with a list of predefined permissions or rights that can be associated with the new user role. This list typically encompasses various actions, functionalities, or areas within the WorkinAUS platform that users assigned to the role will have access to or be restricted from accessing.

You have the flexibility to select and enable specific permissions from the list based on the role's intended responsibilities and level of access required. By customizing the permissions associated with the new user role, you can tailor access control to align with the organization's structure, operational needs, and security policies.

Overall, the "Add User Role" button, coupled with the "Role & Rights Manager" popup, streamlines the process of creating and configuring user roles within the WorkinAUS platform. This intuitive workflow empowers you to efficiently manage role-based access control, enhance security, and optimize user permissions to support organizational objectives.

When you are finisihed with configuring the permissions for the user role, click Submit button so that the system creates the role with the selected permissions. Once the user role is created, it will be displayed in the User Roles grid. Click Discard button to cancel the process and close the popup.


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