  • 07 May 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Article summary


This article provides in-depth knowledge of adding new users to your WorkinAUS account and assiging them user roles that you have created under User Roles module. You can also edit the information of the already added user or change the status of the user from active to inactive & vice-versa or delete the user from your WorkinAUS account.

You can access the Users page by expanding the Manage option available in the left menu by clicking the Users option. Here users created in your account are showcased in a grid format.

Let’s discuss users grid in detail:


The users grid presents the following details and features for each user:

  • Search User

    At the top of the users grid, a search feature is available. You can search for a user by entering the name or email address as the keywords. The system will then search for the user that matches the entered keywords.

  • Advance Filter

    You can search for the user from the list of added users by applying advance filter or a combination of the filters. Each of these filters are briefly described below:

    • User Role

      Select any of the user role from the available list and system will search for the users whose user role matches the selected user role. The "All" option is selected by default.

    • User Status

      Select any of the user status from the available list and system will search for the users whose status matches the selected user status. The "All" option is selected by default.

    • Date Range

      Choosing a specific date range will prompt the system to search for the users that were added within the specified date range.

    • Clear

      Clicking the clear button clears all the filters and setting the filters to default.

    • Filter

      Clicking the filter button prompts the system to search for the users as per the advance filter(s) set by you.

  • Users

    The column displays the name and email address of the user in your WorkinAUS account provides essential identification information for each user. By displaying the name and email address together in this column, you can quickly identify each user and their respective contact information. This facilitates efficient communication and management of user accounts within your WorkinAUS account.

  • User Role

    This column displays the user role assigned to each user in your WorkinAUS account provides crucial information about the permissions and access levels granted to each user.

  • Created On

    This column displays the date on which the user was added in your WorkinAUS account.

  • Status

    This column displays the status of the user added in your WorkinAUS account i.e. Active or Inactive

  • Actions

    This column exhibits three dots. However, clicking on it reveals various other functionalities that can be performed for over the user. Each of these functionalities is briefly described below:

    • Edit

      Clicking on this option provides access to an "Edit User" popup, which enables you to modify the information associated with the user. For example, Email Address, First & Last Name, Contact Number and Assiged Role.

    • Deactivate

      Clicking on this option enables you to modify the status of a user from Active to Inactive, and vice versa, allowing you to control the accessibility and permissions of a user within your WorkinAUS account. A confirmation popup will appear and clicking the Deactivate button on the popup changes the status of the user.

    • Delete

      Clicking on this option initiates the deletion process for a user from your WorkinAUS account. A confirmation pop  will appear and clicking the Continue button deletes the user permanently from the account.

Add User

The "Add User" button is positioned at the top right corner of the Users page. Clicking the "Add User" button, triggers the opening of the "Add User" popup. This popup interface is designed to enter user information like Email Address, First & Last Name, Contact Number and selection of the Role that has to be assigned to the user.

The email address serves as a crucial identifier for the user within the WorkinAUS platform. It is mandatory to enter a valid email address during the user creation process. Upon successful creation of the user account, the system typically sends an email to the provided address. This email often contains instructions for setting up a password to access the account.

Selecting the appropriate user role is essential for determining the level of access and permissions granted to the user within your WorkinAUS account. Each user role is associated with specific access rights and privileges. Choosing the correct role ensures that the user has access to the necessary features and functionalities required for their role. By default, the first role in the list may be pre-selected. However, you should carefully review and select the exact role you want to assign to ensure appropriate access and permissions.

Click Add User button to initiate the process of adding the user into your account. Click Cancel button to cancel the process and close the popup.


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