View Job Ad History
  • 07 May 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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View Job Ad History

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Article summary

View Job Ad History

You can access a job ad’s publish history by selecting the "View History" option from the actions menu corresponding to the specific job ad on the Job Ad grid.


The publish history of a job ad provides comprehensive insight into its lifecycle, including details such as when the job ad was initially published, whether a job credit was utilized or the default ad price was paid for posting, if a featured ad credit was employed when marking the ad as featured, and whether a job ad credit was utilized during auto-renewal after 30 days or the default amount was charged. This information offers full transparency regarding the job ad's publication journey. Below is a screenshot illustrating how a job ad's publish history appears and how it can be interpreted.


In the top bar, starting from the left, the job ad title is presented along with its work type and location. Following that, the remaining days of the current lifecycle, based on the auto-renewal setting, are displayed. Next, the last publish date is shown, indicating when the job ad was last auto-renewed and when it will expire in the current cycle. Additionally, the job ad view count, indicating how many job seekers have viewed the ad on the WorkinAUS platform, and the number of job ad applicants are displayed.

Below this, the publish history of the job ad is presented in descending order. In the provided screenshot, it can be observed that the job ad was initially published on 03 September, 2023, and simultaneously posted on WorkForce Australia. Subsequently, the job auto-renewed on 03 October, 2023, and 02 November, 2023.


The ad eventually expired on 02 December, 2023, but was later republished on 04 December, 2023. It's noteworthy that under the "Action" column for each of these dates, "Payment" is indicated, signifying that the default amount was charged for the job ad on each occasion.


Moreover, it's important to note that when the job ad was published on 03 January, 2024, and 02 February, 2024, based on the auto-renewal setting (which was ON), job ad credits were utilized instead of paying the default ad price.


Additionally, each time the job auto-renewed, it was also posted on other platforms. "lmt-wfa" indicates that the job ad was posted on WorkForce Australia, and "lmt-te" denotes that the job ad was posted on the TalentExpert platform as well. So this is how WorkinAUS provides the complete job ad publish history.

In addition to the publish history, WorkinAUS also offers a comprehensive Transaction History, providing full transparency regarding when and how much you were charged for posting, featuring, or auto-renewing the job ad. Below is the screenshot illustrating each transaction for what you were charged, how much you were charged, through which payment method you were charged, providing transaction ID of each transaction, date when you were charged and the status of the transaction.


In the provided screenshot, you'll observe that charges were incurred for credit purchases, indicated under the "Items" column. The amount charged corresponds to the default job ad price, which is AUD 199. For each transaction, the payment method was Invoice, and you have the option to view the invoice by clicking "View Invoice." Additionally, a Transaction ID is provided for each transaction. Since the payment method was Invoice, the status is listed as "Invoiced."

If the default payment method had been set to Credit Card, the card information would appear under the "Payment Method" column. The status column would display either "Success" or "Failure," depending on the outcome of the transaction.

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