View Job Applicants
  • 27 Jun 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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View Job Applicants

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Article summary

You can view your job ad applicants a few ways:

  • Click the job ad title or

  • Click on the applicants count or

  • Click View Job Applicants from the actions menu of the job ad on the job ad grid.


You’ll be navigated to a page of applicants who have applied for your job.
Here you can view all the information submitted by an applicant and perform other job ad actions.


At the top of the applicants page you'll see information about the job ad, including job title, category & subcategory information, job ad icons, number of ad views, the total number of applicants who have applied for the job, and the number of shortlisted applicants. You’ll also see how many days the job will remain published for and three action dots which provide other options to interact with the job ad.


The action dots reveal functionality that is available via the actions menu on the job ad grid, but here it allows you to download the applicants data too.


Under the job information you’ll see your list of applicants and some of the top line information that they have submitted to apply for the job:


The applicants grid displays the following information:

  • Applicant

    • Profile Image

      If an applicant has uploaded a profile image or profile video on their job seeker profile via the WorkinAUS platform, it will be shown here.
      Clicking on a video will play the video. In no profile image or video has been loaded by the applicant, a default thumbnail image will be displayed.

    • Applicant Name

      The applicant's name and / or email address is shown here. If the job seeker has not entered their name in their profile, their email address will be displayed instead. If you click on the applicant name, further information about the applicant can be viewed. The information displayed here depends on the applicant’s profile.

    • Email Address

      The applicant’s email address is displayed here.

  • Applied Via

    This column indicates the method used by the job applicant to apply for the job posting. "Profile" signifies that the job seeker applied via the Apply button. If "Resume" is indicated, it indicates that the job posting includes a Quick Apply button, and the job seeker applied by submitting their resume. If "LinkedIn" appears in this column, it means the job seeker applied through Quick Apply by submitting their LinkedIn profile link. If "Questionnaire" is mentioned, it indicates that the job seeker applied through the Quick Apply Questionnaire option.

  • Contacts

    This column displays the icons through which a job applicant could be contacted. It also depends if the job seeker has entered this information into their job seeker profile over WorkinAUS platform.

    • Phone This icon signifies that the job seeker has added their contact number to their profile, and hovering the mouse over it will display the job applicant's contact number.

    • Email Hovering the mouse over this icon reveals the email address of the job applicant.

    • Chat Chat with the job ad applicant could be initiated by clicking the chat icon.

  • Attachments

    • Resume This icon denotes that the applicant for the job ad has uploaded their resume. Clicking this icon will open the resume in a new tab.

    • Cover_Letter This icon signifies that the applicant for the job ad has included a cover letter while applying for the position. Clicking this icon will download the cover letter in Word (docx) format.

    • Question This icon indicates that the applicant for the job ad has responded to the questions posed by the employer. If "Questionnaire" is mentioned under "Applied Via," this icon signifies that the applicant applied through Quick Apply using the questionnaire option.

    • Linkedin This icon denotes that the job applicant utilized the Quick Apply button to submit their LinkedIn profile link when applying to the job ad. "LinkedIn" would also be listed under the "Applied Via" column.

    • Video_Cover_Letter This icon signifies that the applicant for the job ad has also included a video cover letter when applying for the position.

  • Date Applied

    This column displays the date when the applicant applied to the job ad.

  • Work Rights

    This column presents the work rights information provided by the job ad applicant during the application process.

  • Passport Country

    This column presents the passport country information provided by the applicant either during the application process or as defined within their WorkinAUS job seeker profile. It serves to indicate the country of passport issuance for the applicant, offering insights into their citizenship or nationality. This information can be pertinent for employers in assessing the applicant's international background, visa status, and potential eligibility for certain job positions or work arrangements that may require specific citizenship or residency criteria.

  • Current Location

    This column presents the geographic location currently designated by the applicant within their WorkinAUS job seeker profile. It serves to indicate where the applicant is currently located. This information can be significant for employers in determining the proximity of the applicant to potential job opportunities, assessing relocation requirements, or ensuring alignment with specific geographic preferences for certain roles. Additionally, it offers insights into the applicant's mobility and availability for positions in different locations.

  • Profile Status

    This column showcases the profile completion status of the job ad applicant on the WorkinAUS platform. The colour scheme indicates progress: red signifies completion of 0~5% of the profile, orange indicates 30~50% completion, blue reflects 51~70% completion, and green signifies 90~100% profile completion.

  • Status

    This column exhibits the status of the job ad application. Initially, when an applicant applies to the job ad, the status defaults to "New." Subsequently, this status can be altered by changing it from the Action column.

  • Action

    Clicking the action dots offers the option to modify the applicant's status. "Shortlisted" indicates that the job applicant has been selected from the pool of applicants for the job ad. "Interview" signifies that the applicant has been chosen for a job interview. "Hired" indicates that the applicant has been selected for the advertised position. "Rejected" denotes that the applicant has not been selected for the advertised job and has been declined. For each status change, job applicant has been notified through a push notification or an email notification.


  • Search Applicant

    At the top of the job ad applicant grid, a search feature is available. You can search a job ad applicant by entering the applicant's name or email address. The system will then search for job applicant that match the entered keywords.

  • Advance Filter

    You can search for the job applicant from the list of applicants by applying advance filter or a combination of the filters. Each of these filters are briefly described below:

    • Select Status

      Select any of the applicant status from the available list and system will search for the applicant(s) that matches the selected applicant status. The "All" option is selected by default.

    • Select Applied Via

      Select any of the applied via option from the available list and system will search for the applicant(s) that matches the selected applied via. The "All" option is selected by default.

    • Select Work Right

      Select any of the work right from the available list and system will search for the applicant(s) that matches the selected work right. The "All" option is selected by default.

    • Select Date Applied

      Choosing a specific date range will prompt the system to search for job applicants that applied to the job ad within the specified date range.

    • Clear

      Clicking the clear button clears all the filters and setting the filters to default.

    • Filter

      Clicking the filter button prompts the system to search for the job applicant(s) as per the advance filter(s) set by you.

Download Applicants.

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