Job Ads
  • 27 May 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Job Ads

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Article summary

Job Board

This article provides in-depth knowledge of the job board and job ad grid. Expanding the Jobs option presents additional options: Job Ads and Job Template. Job Ads navigates you to the job ads listing page, where all the created job ads are showcased in a grid format, accompanied by various details and functionalities.

Let’s look at the job ad grid.


The job ad grid presents the following details and features for each job ad:

  • Search Job

    At the top of the job ad grid, a search feature is available. You can search for a job ad by entering its title. The system will then search for job ads that match the entered keywords.

  • Advanced Filter

    You can search job ads using the advanced filter or a combination of filters:

    • Job Location

      Enter the job location and the system will search the job ads that match the location entered.

    • Job Type

      Select any of the job types from the available list and the system will search for the job ads that match the selected job type. The All option is selected by default.

    • Featured Job

      Selecting Yes will prompt the system to search for job ads that were marked as Featured during the job ad creation or were marked Featured later via the job ad grid. If you select No, all job ads that are not marked as Featured will be displayed. The All option is selected by default.

    • Open to International Applicants

      Selecting Yes will prompt the system to search for job ads that were marked as "Open to international applicants" during the job ad creation. Selecting No will display all the job ads that were not. The All option is selected by default.

    • Open for Students Located in Australia

      Selecting Yes will prompt the system to search for job ads that were marked as "Open for students located in Australia" during the job ad creation. Selecting No will display all the job ads that were not. The All option is selected by default.

    • Open For Backpackers

      Selecting Yes will prompt the system to search for job ads that were marked as "Open for backpackers" during the job ad creation. Selecting No will display all job ads that were not. The All option is selected by default.

    • Category

      Selecting a category from the available list will prompt the system to search job ads that correspond with the category that was set during the job ad creation. The All option is selected by default.

    • Select Status

      Selecting any status from the available list will prompt the system to search for job ads that match the selected job status. The All option is selected by default.

    • Select Job Source

      Selecting a job source from the available list will prompt the system to search for job ads that match the selected job source. The All option is selected by default.

    • Date Range

      Choosing a specific date range will prompt the system to search for job ads that were published within the specified date range.

    • Clear

      Clicking the clear button clears all the filters and sets the filters to default.

    • Filter

      Clicking the filter button prompts the system to search for the job ads that match the advanced filter(s) set by you.

  • Job Title

    This column displays the job title provided when the job ad was created. Additionally, it displays various icons indicating:

    • The characteristics of a job ad that were set when the job ad was created.

    • Category and sub-category of the job ad.

    • Other platforms that the job has been published on.

Each of these items are explained below in detail:


Indicates the job ad has a video advert associated with it.
external Opens the job ad in a new tab. This allows you to preview the job ad in detailed view, just as a job seeker would view it on the WorkinAUS platform.
globe-americas Indicates the job is open for international candidates as well.
Indicates the job is open for students in Australia to apply for.
 Indicates the job is open for backpackers to apply for.
Indicates the job ad is a labour market tested (LMT) compliant job ad.
Indicates the job ad is open to Australian citizens and permanent residents.

Category & Sub-category
Just below the job ad title, job ad category and sub-category are displayed, which indicates the industry and job group that was selected when the job ad was published.

Job ad platforms

Indicates the job ad is published on the WorkinAUS platform.
Indicates the job ad is also published on the TalentExpert platform.
Indicates the job ad is also published on the WorkForce Australia platform.
jora Indicates the job ad is also published on the Jora job ad platform.
adzuna_logo Indicates the job ad is also published on the Adzuna job ad platform.
Indicates the job ad is also published on WorkinAUS partner platforms.

  • Job Location

    Displays the job location specified when the job ad was created.

  • Job Type

    Displays whether the job is full-time, part-time, contract, or casual.

  • Date Published

    Displays the date that the job ad was published.

  • Job Source

    Displays where the job ad was originally published. In addition to the WorkinAUS platform as the job source, in the case of third-party integration, the source could be JobAdder, Broadbean, or Idibu.

  • Views/ Applicants

    Displays the total number of ad views and the total number of applicants who have applied for the job. Clicking on the applicants count, navigates you to the page listing the applicants.

  • Status

    Displays the job ad status: Draft, Unpublished or Expired and if Published, the remaining days of the job ad lifecycle are displayed.

  • Auto Renew

    Indicates whether the auto-renew toggle was activated or deactivated when creating the job ad. You can also adjust this toggle directly from the job ad’s grid if the job ad is published.

  • Actions

    Displays three dots. Clicking on it reveals various functionalities that can be performed for a job ad:

    • Edit

      Navigates you to edit mode of the job ad, regardless of whether the job ad is in Draft, Published, or Unpublished status.

    • Publish

      Available for job ads with Expired or Unpublished status. Clicking it will publish the job ad.

    • Unpublish

      Visible for published job ads. Clicking on it will unpublish the job ad, instantly removing it from the WorkinAUS platform.

    • View Job Applicants

      Navigates you to the applicants page, where you can view who has applied for a job.

    • View History

      Navigates you to the job ad publish history page where you can check whether a job ad credit was used or the default charge amount was applied to publish an ad.

    • Download LMT History

      Navigates you to a page where you can review and download the job ad's publishing history across various platforms and view the list of applicants from each platform separately.

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