Media Gallery
  • 07 May 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Media Gallery

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Article summary

Media Gallery

This article offers a comprehensive understanding of the Media Gallery module. It serves as a valuable resource for you seeking to explore its functionalities and capabilities.

Within the Media Gallery module, you have the ability to upload various forms of media content, including videos, images, and more. These media files can be utilized in different ways to enhance the visual appeal and effectiveness of job advertisements on the Enterprise Job Board.

You can upload videos to be used as video adverts within job ads, providing an engaging and dynamic way to attract and inform potential candidates about job opportunities. Additionally, videos can also be used as video banners on the Enterprise Job Board, further enhancing the overall presentation and appeal of the job board interface.

Furthermore, you can upload images to be utilized as static image banners for the Enterprise Job Board. These banners can serve as eye-catching visual elements that promote specific content, highlight key features, or enhance the overall aesthetics of your Enterprise Job Board.

Moreover, you have the option to upload Section Images, which are images displayed over job ads within specific sections of the Enterprise Job Board area. These section images help organize and categorize job listings, providing job seekers with a visually appealing and intuitive browsing experience.

Overall, the Media Gallery module empowers you to leverage multimedia content effectively, allowing you to create visually compelling and engaging job advertisements and enhance the overall user experience on the Enterprise Job Board.

Content uploaded to the media gallery is represented in a grid format:


The media gallery presents the following details for each of the media content:

  • Search Media

    At the top of the media gallery grid, you have access to a search feature. This feature enables you to search for specific media content by entering keywords related to its title. Once you enter keywords and hit enter key, the system initiates a search process to identify and display media content that matches the entered keywords. This functionality streamlines the process of locating desired media assets within the gallery, allowing you to quickly find and access relevant content without the need for manual browsing. Overall, the search feature enhances your efficiency and productivity by facilitating targeted searches within the media gallery.

  • Advance Filter

    You can search for the media items from the list of available media content by applying advance filter or a combination of the filters. Each of these filters are briefly described below:

    • Showing

      Select Photos or Videos option and the system will search for the type of the media content selected. The “All“ option is selected by default.

    • Date Range

      Choosing a specific date range will prompt the system to search for media content that were uploaded within the specified date range.

    • Clear

      Clicking the clear button clears all the filters and setting the filters to default.

    • Filter

      Clicking the filter button prompts the system to search for the media content as per the advance filter(s) set by you.

  • Items

    This column presents thumbnails of the media content associated with each entry. If the content is an image, clicking on its thumbnail will open a larger view of the image. This allows you to view all the uploaded images available on the current page.

    For video content, clicking on the thumbnail will launch a video player that plays the video content directly within the interface. This enables you to preview and interact with the video content seamlessly.

    Additionally, alongside the media content thumbnails, the name of the media file is also displayed. This provides you with quick identification and reference to the specific media content you are viewing or interacting with.

  • Type

    This column in the media gallery provides details about the type of media content present in each entry. It specifies whether the content is a video or a photo (image). This information helps you quickly identify the nature of the media content associated with each entry, facilitating efficient navigation and selection within the gallery.

  • Extension

    This column presents the file extension of the media content, indicating the format or file type of each entry. File extensions typically consist of a few letters or characters following a period in the filename, such as ".jpg" for JPEG images or ".mp4" for MPEG-4 videos. By displaying the file extension, you can quickly discern the format of the media content, helping you identify compatible files or understand the type of content you are viewing or working with within the media gallery.

  • Uploaded On

    This column indicates the date when each piece of media content was uploaded to the media gallery. It provides you the date when the content was uploaded, allowing you to track the chronological order of uploads or identify recently added media files. This date helps you manage and organize your media assets effectively, ensuring you have up-to-date information about when each piece of content was uploaded.

  • Action

    This column presents three dots, which serve as a menu icon. Clicking on these dots opens a dropdown menu that provides you with option to delete the media content. Selecting this option allows you to remove the respective media file from the gallery. This functionality enables you to maintain control over the contents of the media gallery by providing a convenient way to delete unwanted or outdated media assets.

Add Media

When you click the "Add Media" button, it opens a designated drop zone where you have the option to upload media content by either selecting files from your device or simply dragging and dropping them into the specified area. This provides a convenient and intuitive method for adding media content to the media gallery.


For video files, there is typically a maximum limit of approximately 1.5GB in size per file. This means that any video files you upload should not exceed this size limit to ensure successful uploading and processing within the system.

Additionally, there is typically a restriction on the maximum number of media items that can be uploaded simultaneously, with a common limit being 10 items. This ensures that the upload process remains manageable and efficient, preventing potential issues such as system overload or performance degradation.

Overall, the "Add Media" button and drop zone functionality streamline the process of adding media content to the gallery, offering users a user-friendly interface and ensuring that uploads adhere to specified size and quantity limits.

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