Transaction History
  • 07 May 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Transaction History

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Article summary

Transaction History

This article delves into the intricacies of the Transaction History feature on WorkinAUS. Every transaction made on the platform, regardless of the default payment method, is meticulously recorded and stored. These transactions typically include purchases such as subscription plans, job ad credits, and featured ad credits. WorkinAUS maintains a transparent record of all these transactions, ensuring you have access to a comprehensive overview of your financial activities on the platform.

By keeping track of transaction history, WorkinAUS provides you with valuable insights into your spending patterns and usage of platform features. This transparency fosters trust and accountability, allowing you to review your transaction history at any time and reconcile your financial records with your account activity on the platform.

Whether it's monitoring subscription renewals, tracking credit purchases, or reviewing billing details, the Transaction History feature offers you a centralized hub for managing your financial interactions on WorkinAUS. This empowers you to make informed decisions about your usage of platform resources and effectively manage your budgeting and expenses related to recruitment activities.

To navigate to the Transaction History page, expand the "Subscription" option in the left menu and then select the "Transaction History" menu option. Transaction history typically displays the information of the Item purchased, Amount paid, Payment Method used for the transaction, Transaction ID, Date of transaction and Status of the transaction.

Items are denoted by Subscription, Job Ad Credit Purchase, Featured Ad Credit Purchase, or a combination of both. Below is a screenshot illustrating a user whose account's default payment method is configured as Credit Card:


Below is a screenshot illustrating a user whose account's default payment method is configured as Invoice:


Let’s discuss the information that is available in the Transaction History in detail:


In transaction history page filters are available at the top and below we have explained in detail about each filter:

  • Status

    Select any of the status from the available list and the system will search for the transactions for which the status match the selected status. The "All" option is selected by default.

  • Items

    Select any of the items from the available list and the system will search for the transactions for which the item matches the selected item. The "All" option is selected by default.

  • Date Range

    Choosing a specific date range will prompt the system to search for the transactions that were performed within the specified date range.

Transactions Grid

  • Items

    In the transaction history, this column showcases the name of the item for which payment was made. The items listed may include Subscription, Job Ad Credit, Featured Ad Credit, or a combination of both.

    If the item is a Subscription, the name of the subscription would be displayed. On the other hand, if the item pertains to Job Ad Credit, Featured Ad Credit, or both, the name of the job advertisement associated with the credit purchase would be presented. This provides you with clear visibility into the specific items for which payments were processed, facilitating easy tracking and reference within the transaction history.

  • Amount

    This column exhibits the amount paid for each transaction, providing you with a clear and concise overview of the financial aspect of your activities on the platform.

  • Payment Method

    This column presents the payment method utilized for each transaction. If your default payment method is set to Credit Card, this column will display your credit card information. Conversely, if Invoice is set as your default payment method, an invoice icon will be displayed alongside a link to view and pay the invoice. This column ensures clarity regarding the mode of payment employed for each transaction, providing you with a transparent record of your financial activities on the platform.

  • Transaction ID

    This column showcases the transaction ID associated with each transaction conducted within your WorkinAUS account. The transaction ID serves as a unique identifier for each financial interaction, enabling precise tracking and reference. It facilitates easy retrieval of transaction details and ensures accurate record-keeping, assisting you in reconciling your financial records and troubleshooting any discrepancies that may arise.

  • Date

    This column showcases the date when the transaction was performed.

  • Status

    This column displays the status of each transaction within your WorkinAUS account. For successful Credit Card transactions, the status "Succeeded" will be shown, indicating that the payment was processed without any issues. Conversely, if a transaction attempt fails, the status "Failed" will be displayed, indicating that the payment was not successfully completed.

    In the case of transactions involving an invoice, the status "Invoiced" will be shown, indicating that an invoice has been generated for the transaction but payment has not yet been completed. This status serves as a reminder to you to fulfill the payment obligation associated with the invoice.

    By showcasing the transaction status, this column provides you with valuable insights into the outcome of each transaction, helping you to promptly identify and address any payment-related issues that may arise.

  • Actions

    This column exhibits three dotts, clicking it provides an option to view the receipt.

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